Recipe: Perfect Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake .

Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake .. We Know Your Customers' Needs and Wants. Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake. this is great at parties , picnics , bbqs or just for a munch . :positive ;-) ladybird. Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake. instructions.

Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake . OR, simply mix the bacon and cheese into the dough, and make the damper one large ball of… well… damper. Place in on a floured baking tray. Combine butter and garlic in a small bowl. You can cook Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake . using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake .

  1. Prepare 1 large of Damper Roll / large round roll ..
  2. It's 3 cup of grated cheddar cheese / or cheese of your choice ..
  3. It's 2 tbsp of sour cream.
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp of thickened cream / heavy cream ..
  5. You need 6 of to 8 slices shotcut bacon - cut into small pieces ..
  6. It's 1 tbsp of fresh chopped chives ..
  7. You need 1 pinch of salt.
  8. You need 1/2 tsp of craked black pepper ..

Spread butter mixture on cut sides of damper rolls. Place rolls in prepared frying pan. Dollop with remaining bacon jam and sprinkle with parsley and thyme. Combine flour, salt and oil in a bowl.

Ladybirds Cheese and Bacon Damper Bake . instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 170°C.
  2. Take the damper roll and using a long sharp knife , cut down , around and into the damper top - cutting a top circle off to create a lid . , scoop out the inners of the roll , creating a roll bowl ,lol , then cut the inside of the damper lid to level it off ..
  3. Cut the bacon into small pieces , heat a frypan with a little oil and fry the bacon , in two batches so not to stew it , until lightly browned or cooked to your liking , once cooked , remove the bacon from the pan and drain . Set aside to cool while you make the cheese mix ..
  4. In a large bowl , place 2 and a half cups of the grated cheese into the bowl along with the sour cream , thickened cream , chives , salt , pepper and the precooked drained bacon and mix well to combine all thoroughly ..
  5. Next place the prepared hollowed out damper roll onto a foil lined baking tray and fill with the prepared cheese mix , pushing it down to fill all the damper inside gaps . Now sprinkle the remaining half cup of the grated cheese all over and around the top of the cheese mix in the damper roll and Place the cut off damper top back ontop of the filled damper roll ..
  6. Place the prepared filled damper roll into the preheated oven and cook for about 25 minutes or until top and outside of damper roll is lightly browned and crisp , then remove the lid from the oven and cook filled damper roll for a further 10 or until the cheese is fully melted and the inside of the damper roll has crispen lightly and turned golden ..
  7. Once cooked remove from heat , serve on a serving tray , using the lid and damper itself to eat the inside cheese mix with . Serve hot . Enjoy . :-) ..

Add the cheese, bacon, egg, milk and parsley. Stir well with a wooden spoon until it has a soft dropping consistency - add extra milk, if needed. Serve warm or cold, with butter and cheese. Place the damper onto a lightly floured trivet covered with foil and put the lid on the camp oven. Time to put this bun in the oven!


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