Recipe: Tasty Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy

Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy.

Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy You can cook Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy using 11 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy

  1. Prepare 6 of button mushrooms.
  2. You need 2 of .medium sized potatoes.
  3. It's 200 g of mint leaves.
  4. It's 1 of green chilli..chopped.
  5. Prepare 2 of onions medium sized chopped...
  6. It's 1 handful of Sesame seeds for garnishing..
  7. Prepare 30 ml of Tamarind be added in the mint gravy..
  8. You need to taste of Common Salt..
  9. You need 1 tsp of red chilli powder.
  10. Prepare 1 tsp of jeera (Cumin) powder..
  11. You need 3 tbsp of vegetable oil..any...

Baked stuffed Mushrooms in Mint Gravy step by step

  1. Take a wet cloth and clean the required pieces of mushrooms.....
  2. Meanwhile boil potatoes mash them well and salt jeera powder red chilli and mix them properly....
  3. Now scoop out the mushroom s from the centre and fill them with the potato mixture..One can fill the desirable filling in it....
  4. Smear the mushrooms with oil and keep it in the baking tray in the preheated OTG at 180 °C for 10 minutes only...They get baked....
  5. Meanwhile make it's gravy.
  6. Take prewashed mint leaves and Tamarind pulp. add salt and green chilli..Red chilli powder and blend in a mixer grinder into a smooth paste..keep it aside.
  7. Take a wok now..Add vegetable oil...Add Cumin and allow them to splutter...
  8. Add chopped onions and caramalise them light brown...
  9. Add the mint -Tamarind paste and allow it to simmer for can adjust it's consistency by adding little water into....
  10. Now add the baked stuffed mushrooms..and keep the lid of the wok covered for 5 minutes approximately..
  11. Garnish with sesame seeds and serve with Rice or naan or laccha paranthas...
  12. Enjoy this innovative Culinary entertainment of mine....


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