How to Cook Perfect Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos

Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos. Pair it up with sweet potatoes for the perfect side dish or snack. I ate a whole pan of this stuff and I'm not a big veggie lover! I like vegetables but I wouldn't say that I LOVE them…well…. unless it's this roasted broccoli and sweet potato duo.

Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos Spoon over some salsa and sour cream and garnish with cilantro sprigs. I just came here to say I've made these three times in the past week and the last time I used your crispy roast broccoli instead of sweet potatoes and it was awesomeeeee. Turn sweet potatoes and black beans into a simple, healthy dinner with these tacos! You can cook Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos using 13 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos

  1. You need of medium Sweet potato.
  2. Prepare Cup of Broccoli.
  3. Prepare of Cumin.
  4. You need of Smoke paprika.
  5. Prepare of Garlic powder.
  6. You need of Cayenne pepper.
  7. Prepare of Chili pepper.
  8. You need of Cumin.
  9. It's of black beans.
  10. You need of Corn.
  11. It's of Sour cream.
  12. You need of Salsa.
  13. Prepare of Corn tortillas.

Turning healthy ingredients into a vibrant dinner always feels a little magical to me. These sweet potato and black bean tacos are just such a meal. The flavors of the broccoli and sweet potatoes compliment each other wonderfully in this recipe! I wasn't sure if steaming the sweet potatoes was The texture of steamed sweet potatoes with the crunchiness of the grain and stir fried veggies left something to be desired.

Sweet potato and Broccoli tacos instructions

  1. Add seasoning to veggies roast for 30 minutes.

Fill the tortillas with the black bean mixture and top with. These tacos are a real winner! Not only are they healthy, delicious, and satisfying but they are also super easy to prepare. You can save yourself even more time if you can find prepped sweet potatoes. These easy sweet potato tacos are a delicious vegetarian weeknight dinner that you can easily make vegan or gluten-free.


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