How to Cook Tasty Hash Brown with Baked Eggs

Hash Brown with Baked Eggs.

Hash Brown with Baked Eggs You can have Hash Brown with Baked Eggs using 9 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Hash Brown with Baked Eggs

  1. It's 4 of eggs.
  2. It's 3 of Potatoes.
  3. Prepare 1 of onion.
  4. Prepare 1 teaspoon of Paprika.
  5. It's 1 teaspoon of Black pepper.
  6. Prepare 1 tbsp of Thyme dried.
  7. It's 10g-15g of Butter.
  8. It's 2 tbsp of Oil.
  9. It's 150 g-200g of Bacon (if u eat, u can get from magson).

Hash Brown with Baked Eggs instructions

  1. Peel and grate your potatoes and onions and remove the potatoes starch by pressing it (PS: do not wash or rinse).
  2. Add paprika, if you dont have paprika add red chilli powder but for better taste add paprika, salt and pepper.
  3. Mix it well and spread the mixture into your heating pan (pan should be oven proof) and spread it to the edges of the pan like pan cake..
  4. Add butter from the sides it will do two things. First it caramelize the onions and second gives a good brown colour..
  5. Then flip it to other side...heres a trick cover it with other plate and upside down your pan and put it back..
  6. Once the other side is done, break your eggs accordingly over the potatoes cake and put it into your oven in grill mode at max temperature for 12-15 minutes..
  7. Serve bacon for the best results,oh this is what I call foodgasm..


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