How to Make Perfect Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza

Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza. Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza step by step. Cut the tops of the Capsicum. Cut all the Capsicums into halves and deseed the Capsicums.

Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza Add shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese. Now in the Base of the Capsicum. On a lightly floured surface, unroll pizza crust. You can cook Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza using 13 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza

  1. It's 2 of red coloured capsicum.
  2. Prepare 2 of yellow coloured capsicum.
  3. You need 2 of green coloured capsicum.
  4. You need 1/2 cup of chopped veggies ( onion, tomato,corn, jalapenos, olives.
  5. Prepare 1/4 cup of shredded mozzarella.
  6. It's 1/4 cup of Grated cheddar cheese.
  7. It's 1 tsp of oregano.
  8. It's 1 tsp of red chilli sauce.
  9. It's to taste of Salt.
  10. Prepare to taste of Pepper powder.
  11. You need as required of Pizza sauce.
  12. Prepare 1 tsp of chopped garlic (optional).
  13. It's as needed of Broccoli and cherry tomato for garnishing.

Sprinkle with pepperoni, cheeses, green onions, green pepper, bacon and seasonings. Roll up jelly-roll style; pinch the edge closed. Place each slice into prepared muffin cups. Our Pizza Stuffed Peppers are simple enough to make for a quick meal anytime.

Baked Stuffed Capsicum Pizza step by step

  1. Cut the tops of the Capsicum..
  2. Cut all the Capsicums into halves and deseed the Capsicums..
  3. Chop veggies (onion,tomato, corn, green chillies, jalapenos and black olives).
  4. In a bowl keep ready all the chopped veggies.Add shredded mozzarella and cheddar cheese.Add salt.
  5. Now in the Base of the Capsicum put little pizza sauce.Over it layer with veggies. Spread both the cheese..
  6. Sprinkle oregano, salt and pepper over it..
  7. Now bake in over for few minutes or till the Capsicum are soft and cheese melts..
  8. Garnish with broccoli and cherry tomato..
  9. Enjoy this Capsicum Pizza with Pizza and chilli sauce..

We LOVE the flavors happening in this recipe, and these bell pepper pizzas REALLY do satisfy those cravings (while supplying a good amount of protein)! Let cool for a few minutes before serving and enjoy! These Baked Pizza Stuffed Zucchini Boats have all the flavor of pizza but without all the extra calories. Fresh zucchini filled with marinara, cheese, vegetables and all your favorite toppings, baked to perfection for a delicious healthy lunch or dinner.. Top with mozzarella, mushrooms, pepperonis, green pepper, onion and olives.


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