Recipe: Appetizing Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts

Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts. Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts. I'm experimenting, trying to come up with a recipe for healthy baked donuts. I added tofu thinking it would make the donuts chewy, but they actually turned out quite moist.

Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts Mash the tofu and set aside. Combine the crumbled tofu and okara with the pancake mix, and add the oil and salt. How to make easy baked donuts without eggs? You can cook Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts

  1. Prepare 100 grams of Silken tofu.
  2. Prepare 60 grams of Fresh okara.
  3. You need 40 grams of Pancake mix.
  4. It's 5 grams of Canola oil.
  5. Prepare 20 grams of Raw cane sugar.

In a large bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.; In a separate bowl whisk together, the milk and vinegar. I added tofu thinking it would make the donuts chewy, but they actually turned out quite moist. Use fresh okara that doesn't have a high water content. Mash the tofu until it's quite smooth and you won't even.

Egg-Free! Silken Tofu and Okara Baked Donuts step by step

  1. Mash the tofu and set aside. Then, crumble the fresh okara. Combine the crumbled tofu and okara with the pancake mix, and add the oil and salt. Mix well..
  2. Pour the batter into donut molds and bake in an oven for 20 minutes at 180°C..
  3. Once baked, leave in the molds to cool completely before removing. This makes them extra-moist!.

Beat butter with sugar, then the egg, soymilk, and okara. Add in the flour mixture and mix until combined, but don't overmix or beat. Fill a ziplock bag with the batter and snip off one corner. Butter and flour a donut pan. Pipe the batter into the donut cavities.


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