Recipe: Yummy Tuna pasta bake

Tuna pasta bake. Creamy Tuna Pasta Bake - a classic meal that everyone loves - made with mostly store-cupboard ingredients! There's something about a pasta bake that just seems to make everyone so happy. Confession: I say "Everybody has a can of tuna" but I don't.

Tuna pasta bake An easy tuna pasta bake recipe that's a proper family favourite. With melted Cheddar cheese on top A firm family favourite. "A delicious and affordable bake, that's really easy to put together - perfect. Most of you might think you know how to make a tuna pasta bake, but to make a GOOD one, it's more than just bunging all. You can cook Tuna pasta bake using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Tuna pasta bake

  1. You need 500 g of pasta.
  2. It's 50 g of butter.
  3. Prepare 50 g of plain flour.
  4. You need 600 ml of milk.
  5. It's 250 g of mature cheddar, grated.
  6. It's 2 of x 160g cans tuna steak, drained.
  7. Prepare 165 g of can sweetcorn, drained.

Cook the pasta in a saucepan of plenty of boiling. This tuna pasta bake recipe is a comfort food classic! Just like my cajun sausage pasta recipe, you It really is very simple to make a delicious tuna pasta bake. The tuna pasta bake (commonly called "tuna noodle casserole" in the United States) is a classic comfort food.

Tuna pasta bake instructions

  1. Heat oven to 180C.
  2. Boil pasta for 2 mins less time than stated on the pack..
  3. Melt butter in a saucepan and stir in flour..
  4. Cook for 1 min, then gradually stir in milk to make a thick white sauce..
  5. Remove from the heat and stir in all but a handful of the cheese.
  6. Drain the pasta, mix with the white sauce, tuna, and sweetcorn.
  7. Transfer to a baking dish and top with the rest of the grated cheddar..
  8. Bake for 15-20 mins until the cheese on top is golden and starting to brown..

Preparing this recipe from scratch takes a bit of time, but if you're in a rush, there's also. Creamy tuna pasta bake is the perfect weeknight dinner. This tuna pasta bake looks fancy but it is incredibly easy to make. Can I use meat in this instead? You could but then it wouldn't be a tuna pasta bake and just be any regular pasta meat bake haha.


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