Recipe: Appetizing Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole

Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole. My grandmother's recipe for roasted chicken. We are German and she used to do it this way all the time. I never have had a chicken this juicy before; this little trick works and makes the people eating it go silent.

Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole Place on an ungreased baking sheet. Pat outside of chicken dry, then rub the chicken with olive oil. Sprinkle Montreal steak seasoning on all sides. (Makes it really pretty when done). You can cook Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole using 20 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole

  1. Prepare of Chicken laps.
  2. It's of Chips.
  3. You need of Plantain.
  4. You need of Lettuces.
  5. It's of Avocado.
  6. You need of Fresh tomatoes.
  7. It's of Lime.
  8. You need of Onion.
  9. You need of Sardines.
  10. You need of Salt.
  11. You need of Maggi.
  12. You need of Black pepper.
  13. It's of Red chili pepper.
  14. Prepare of Mixed spice.
  15. Prepare of Fresh Basil.
  16. You need of Curry.
  17. You need of thyme.
  18. You need of Garlic paste.
  19. Prepare of Oil.
  20. Prepare of Mayonnaise.

Place chicken in a roaster with a rack breast side up. BAKED CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS are the easiest way to get dinner on the table quickly! The skin crisps up in the oven, the seasoning is simple and perfect, and the chicken legs come out juicy every time! When I roast a chicken it's a sure thing that my kids are going to fight over the chicken legs.

Juicy roasted chicken with chips & plantain and guacamole instructions

  1. In a bowl mix garlic, thyme, curry,basil,mixed spice, red and black pepper, maggi,salt,diced onions,lime juice and oil mix all together to form a paste.
  2. Wash and clean chicken then rub the chicken in paste and marinate as long as you desire.
  3. Pre heat the oven then spread foil paper on the baking tray place the marinated chicken on d foil add more paste do chicken is well coated and roast.
  4. For Guacamole; in a bowl cut d avocado into d bowl.
  5. Dice some tomatoes and onions and mix into the avocado.
  6. Add the fish from d sardine without using the oil.
  7. Add some mayonnaise into the mixture and mix till it come together into a paste and not too thick or too light in paste will do so well.
  8. Place into the refrigerator and allow to chill or sever as you want.

Pour the crushed chips into a shallow bowl. In another shallow bowl, whisk the two eggs until smooth. One at a time, dip both sides of the chicken breasts into the egg then place in the bowl with the potato chips. But for extra flavor and moistness instead of coating the chicken with melted butter I rub the chicken with Miracle Whip before coating in the potato chip crumbs. Pat dry the chicken with paper towels.


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