Recipe: Appetizing Left over special Frittata

Left over special Frittata. If you don't know, know you'll know. The frittata is basically one of THE greatest foods. It's so quick to make, easy, inexpensive, and it's also the perfect vehicle for leftovers—not to mention that it's equally delicious at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Left over special Frittata So for example the other day I had pot roast, fried potatoes, bacon, cooked broccolini and roasted peppers in the fridge. All of that went into my frittata. I've made it with shredded pulled pork, bacon, caramelized onions and bbq sauce. You can cook Left over special Frittata using 15 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Left over special Frittata

  1. Prepare 2-3 slices of thick cut bacon.
  2. You need 2 of breakfast sausages.
  3. You need 1 of cheese stuffed sausage.
  4. Prepare 1/2 of green pepper finely chopped.
  5. Prepare 4 of large bella mushrooms.
  6. It's 2 of green onions chopped roughly.
  7. It's 1 of large potato, peeled and cut into 1/2 cm round slices.
  8. It's 5 of large eggs.
  9. It's 3 of table spoons grated Cheddar cheese.
  10. It's of clumps of goat cheese or brie.
  11. It's 1 teaspoon of chopped chives.
  12. Prepare to taste of Salt.
  13. It's 1/2 teaspoon of Black pepper.
  14. It's 1/2 teaspoon of cajun seasoning.
  15. Prepare 1 teaspoon of diced jalapeño (optional).

Slices of leftover steak, mushrooms, chopped baked potatoes and cheese rock as well. Add cooked sliced sausages and vegetables and toss to mix. Season well with salt and black pepper. Scatter over grated cheese if using.

Left over special Frittata instructions

  1. This dish is cooked in residual bacon fat, so the quality and thickness of bacon matters. Fry chopped bacon on medium high heat till it is crispy and drain onto a kitchen paper. Fry the sausages in this bacon fat (one teaspoon of bacon fat would be enough). Follow the same with chopped mushrooms and any other veggie you like to include in this. I like my peppers crunchy so I didn't cook it a this stage..
  2. Add the cajun seasoning, pepper and salt to a teaspoon of bacon fat and roast and spread well on the pan. Place the potato slices to cover the base of the frying pan. Cook on low flame till the potatoes are crispy..
  3. Distribute the sausages, green onions, mushroom, peppers, jalapeños, bacon bits on top of the crispy potato. Whisk the eggs with some salt and pepper and pour gently over this mixture. Top this with dollops of brie/ goat cheese and a generous sprinkle of cheddar and chives..
  4. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don't have access to an oven, you could cook it on a stovetop, covered, on very low flame till the egg mixture is cooked and has a slight jiggle to it. This recipe is a cross between a spinach omelette and a frittata. Serve with your favorite salad..

This frittata will work with almost any vegetables you have. Personally I am not a fan of pumpkin, and favour sweet potato over potato, however the vegetables you use really come down to personal preference. Serve with a healthy salad - such as the super side salad. A frittata is a strategic cook's little secret. Eggs, cream or milk, cheese, and a bit of salt and pepper form the basic frittata egg base.


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