Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges

SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges. Potato wedges are delicious snacks which are loved by everyone. This easy and quick recipe is best to serve as party starter. Potato wedges are the ultimate easy side dish - just slam them in the oven and forget about them until hunger strikes.

SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges The secret to easy, crispy oven baked potato wedges. I love baked potato wedges like this! I love these potatoes - they are so crispy, have so much flavor and are so easy to throw together! You can have SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges using 13 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges

  1. It's 1 kg of potatoes.
  2. It's 4 of garlic cloves, minced.
  3. It's 1/8 of of a cup of celery, diced.
  4. It's 6 tbsp of flour.
  5. It's 6 tbsp of cooking oil.
  6. Prepare 2 tsp of mixed spices.
  7. You need 2 tsp of royco mchuzi mix.
  8. It's 1 tsp of turmeric spice.
  9. Prepare 2 tsp of cardamom spice.
  10. It's 1 tsp of salt.
  11. You need 1/2 tsp of black pepper.
  12. You need 1/2 tsp of cayenne spice.
  13. You need 1 tsp of garam masala spice mix.

The foil lined baking sheet also makes for super easy clean up which is always appreciated! Potato wedges seasoned with paprika, chili powder, and garlic powder are coated in bread crumbs creating crispy potato wedges. These make for a great side dish. They are spicy and crispy yet fluffy in the middle.

SPICY OVEN BAKED POTATO WEDGES | Crispy Potato Wedges instructions

  1. Clean the potatoes carefully to remove any dirt. Peel half of the potatoes and leave the other half with the skin.
  2. Boil about a litre of water..
  3. Slice half of the potatoes into quarters with the skin on and for the other half, peel of the skin then slice them into wedges..
  4. When the water is boiling, add a little salt then add in the potato wedges and cook them for 4 minutes. Drain and let them cool for about 5 - 10 minutes..
  5. Preheat oven to 180°c.
  6. In a bowl add in the flour, mixed spices, turmeric spice, black pepper, cayenne spice, Royco mchuzi mix, cardamom spice, salt, garam masala spice mix, garlic and celery and give it a good mix..
  7. In the bowl with the potato wedges, cover with a lid and shake it well it. This will help in crust formation..
  8. Add in the cooking oil and shake well making sure the oil coats every wedge..
  9. Sprinkle small portions at a time of the spices to the wedges while tossing..
  10. Pour some oil on a baking tray and spread evenly. Arrange the potatoes on the tray..
  11. Bake the potatoes for 30 minutes at 180°c then 15 minutes at 200°c and check on the wedges from time to time. Our aim is for the wedges to be soft inside and crispy from outside..
  12. Serve..

These spicy crisp potato wedges are delicious on their own but also go well with any dips like chilli sauce, ketchup or guacamole. For healthier option bake or air fry them. Oven baked potato wedges that are extra crunchy and seasoned so they taste like the frozen ones you can buy! (But better.much better!) I'm not going to deny that I have been known to have a stash of frozen wedges in my freezer. They are SUCH a great midnight snack…. I can't help it, I just can't.


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