Recipe: Delicious Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage)

Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage). Try Quick & Easy Cooking Recipes Brought To You By Thomas'®! Make Your Morning Routine Faster & Easier with Thomas'® Products & Recipes Today Browse Products & Get Recipes Ideas That Are Quick & Easy. Pour this mixture into the baking dish.

Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage) Press down with back of spatula to soak all bread pieces. How to serve the Full English Breakfast. Arrange the baked beans, sausages, bacon and tomatoes on a large, heated plate. You can have Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage) using 6 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage)

  1. It's of Bread(2 slices).
  2. It's of Sausage(1).
  3. Prepare of Eggs (2).
  4. Prepare of Butter.
  5. You need of Baked beans.
  6. Prepare of Vegetable oil, salt.

Add the fried egg on top. Serve the bread on the side. Bring some ketchup and brown sauce at the table together with some butter, jam or marmalade. I went a bit further this time and served the breakfast in the whole meal.

Oyibo breakfast (fried egg,bread, baked beans, sausage) step by step

  1. In a clean frying pan add a little quantity of Vegetable oil.
  2. Break and beat eggs and fry.
  3. Fry sausage.
  4. Serve with a cup of coffee or juice.

Pour in the baked beans, dash of salt and mix everything together then simmer on low heat for a few minutes to cook the baked beans. You can cover it while it simmers. Remove from heat and serve with some fried eggs. You can always eat it by itself with toast bread or eggs. I like having them with toasted pita bread.


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