How to Prepare Delicious Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges

Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges. Potato wedges are amazing snacks which are loved by everyone, I have used lemon seasoning and mint to give them fresh and delicious taste. Potato wedges are always a favorite for kids and grown-ups alike; they're easy to make and great for barbecues and parties. Make a lot as they're bound to go quickly!

Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges They are sold at diners and fast food restaurants. Potato wedges make for a great appetizer or a snack & are easy to make. These are delicious, crisp, flavorful and spicy. You can cook Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges

  1. It's 3 small of Potatoes.
  2. It's 1 tbsp of ☆Olive oil (or vegetable oil).
  3. Prepare 1 of ☆Krazy Salt (or salt + pepper).
  4. It's 1 of ☆Dried basil (optional).

Making the oven baked & the air fried potato wedges is a breeze. It only needs slicing, seasoning and then baking. I have given a few helpful tips to make them extra crisp. Oven fries seasoned with garlic powder and onion powder will go great with your favorite burgers.

Easy Non-Fried Potato Wedges instructions

  1. Cut the potatoes into wedges. (Don't cut them too small or they will fall apart when microwaved)..
  2. Put the potatoes in a heat-resistant bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave at 600 W for 3 minutes..
  3. Once cooled, mix the wedges with the ☆ ingredients..
  4. Line a toaster oven baking tray with aluminum foil. Place the potatoes on the tray..
  5. Put the tray into the toaster oven. Keep your eye on the wedges and once they brown, flip them over. They will probably need to cook for about 10 minutes..
  6. Arrange the wedges on a dish and they're done. (I served them with some pork steak and grated daikon radish,.

Here's what you need: large russet potatoes, olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, dried oregano, paprika, vegetarian parmesan cheese. Thoroughly wash potatoes, cut in half, and slice into wedges. Toss wedges in olive oil and seasonings. Potato wedges baked in oven with simple ingredients you will find in your pantry. With full video and step by step pictures.


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