Recipe: Delicious Soft Bread [Basic] 😘

Soft Bread [Basic] 😘.

Soft Bread [Basic] 😘 You can cook Soft Bread [Basic] 😘 using 11 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Soft Bread [Basic] 😘

  1. It's 400 grams of Bread Flour.
  2. You need 100 grams of All Purpose Flour.
  3. Prepare 80 grams of Sugar.
  4. Prepare 7 grams of Instant Yeast.
  5. It's 2 grams of Bread Improver (opt).
  6. You need 3 of egg Yolks.
  7. You need 270 grams of Cold Fresh Milk (250 cc).
  8. It's 50 grams of Butter.
  9. You need 3 grams of Salt.
  10. It's 100 grams of Evaporated Milk (80 cc) for brushing.
  11. You need 50 grams of Succade for sprinkling.

Soft Bread [Basic] 😘 instructions

  1. Mix all of the dry ingredients in a bowl..
  2. Place all of the ingredients (dry + egg yolks + milk) into mixer bowl. Mix until well blended..
  3. Add butter and salt..
  4. Continue mix until dough become smooth and elastic. (no dough on the sides of the bowl).
  5. Place dough onto floured surface. Cover and let rise until double in size. (1 hour).
  6. Divide dough into 60 grams each pieces..
  7. Rounded each pieces and put on floured tray. Let stand for 10 minutes..
  8. Gently deflate risen dough then shape it to your desire then let rise again for 30 minutes..
  9. Preheat oven 200°C for 10 minutes while brushing each dough with evaporated milk. Then bake it for 15 minutes until lightly brown..
  10. Ready to eat❕πŸ˜‹.


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