Recipe: Perfect Baked whole snapper

Baked whole snapper. Baked Whole Red Snapper with Garlic recipe Roasted Whole Red Snapper with Spanish Spices and Saffron-Yellow Pepper Vinaigrette with Braised BroccoliFood. A whole snapper is simply baked with onions, lemon, herbs and dry white wine.

Baked whole snapper This recipe would work for any whole fish, be it one you catch or one you buy. Love this kind of baked fish since it's so easy to do. I used to go to the gym, and the thing I look fwd to most after is eating! You can cook Baked whole snapper using 9 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Baked whole snapper

  1. Prepare 1.8 kg of whole snapper, cleaned.
  2. You need 2 of garlic cloves, finley chopped.
  3. You need 4 cm of piece fresh ginger, peeled, and finley chopped.
  4. You need 1/4 cup of soy sauce.
  5. You need 1 tablespoon of rice wine.
  6. It's 2 teaspoon of sesame oil.
  7. You need 2 of green onions, thinly sliced.
  8. Prepare 1 of long red chilli, thinly sliced.
  9. You need 1 of /2 cup fresh coriander, chopped.

Try our easy to follow asian-style baked whole snapper recipe. Absolutely delicious with the best ingredients from Woolworths. Woolworths Fresh Snapper Crimson Whole min. Place the snapper on the foil.

Baked whole snapper step by step

  1. Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan-forced. Line a large baking tray with sides with foil, then baking paper..
  2. Wash fish under cold water. Pat dry with paper towel. Place on prepared tray..
  3. Sprinkle garlic and ginger over fish. Combine soy sauce, fish sauce, rice wine and oil in a jug. Pour over fish. Cover tray tightly with foil. Roast for 40 to 45 minutes or until fish fakes easily when tested with a fork. Transfer to a warmed serving platter. Sprinkle with onion, chilli and coriander sprigs..
  4. Serve with hot rice, or frencfries, and I like served with monggo sambal..

Pat the fish dry using paper towel. Make three diagonal cuts across the fish with a sharp knife. Open the foil carefully and fold back the sides so you can see the whole fish. Baked whole fish in a salt crust. Oven backed red snapper fish with vegetables, just from the oven, vertical composition.


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