Recipe: Perfect Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews

Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews. All Reviews for Spinach and Mango Salad. Spinach and Mango Salad. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Fresh, ripe mango is blended with olive oil and cashews to create the most delicious homemade dressing for this easy spinach and chicken salad.

Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews Fresh, ripe mango is blended with olive oil and cashews to create the most delicious homemade dressing for this easy spinach and chicken salad. The spinach salad is served with a refreshing sweet and sour vinaigrette, sweet mango slices, and toasted pine nuts. We especially enjoy serving this salad with grilled chicken, roast duck, and braised lamb meat. You can have Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews

  1. It's 1 of Mango (peeled, sliced into cubes.
  2. You need 4 cups of Spinach.
  3. Prepare 1 cup of Iceberg Lettuce.
  4. You need 1 of small Carrot diced.
  5. It's 2 cups of Romaine Lettuce.
  6. You need 1 of oven baked Chicken Breast (cubed).
  7. Prepare of Olives.
  8. Prepare of Olive Oil.
  9. You need 1/2 cup of Cashews.

Just in time for mango season in Hawai'i, here's a flavorful, herby salad with chicken, avocado and your favorite mango varietal! Mango Chicken Salad has tender baked chicken breasts served over a bed of lettuce and topped with diced mango, plus a fresh honey-lemon Add: Add chopped romaine lettuce and baby spinach to a large salad bowl. Top: Top your lettuce mixture with slices of chicken, diced mango, cherry tomatoes. Spinach mango salad is also delicious with roast chicken, pastrami sandwich, steaks, grills, and stews for easy appetizers.

Spring Salad with Mango, Chicken, Spinach & Cashews step by step

  1. Peel and chop Mango into cubes. I have always used a potato peeler to peel off the skin from the Mango because I found that it was much easier for me..
  2. Cut Chicken Breast into small cubes..
  3. Wash Spinach and your salads thoroughly and drain..
  4. Take a large bowl and start by adding the spinach on the bottom, then continue with a layer of Iceberg, Romaine, Carrots..
  5. Take a large bowl and start by adding the spinach on the bottom, then continue with a layer of Iceberg, Romaine, Carrots..

This delicious spinach salad is packed with protein-rich leafy spinach, sweet mango, and healthy fats from avocado. This Spinach Salad with Mango and Avocado is packed with healthy spinach and ripe seasonal fruit. Step aside, boring salads, there's a new salad in town! This Curried Chicken Salad features flavorful curry chicken, crisp summer veggies, and crunchy cashews. Plus, a kick of heat from homemade jalapeno mango chutney!


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