Recipe: Yummy Sourdough baked doughnuts

Sourdough baked doughnuts. High-quality, Low Carb Baked Products Online. Very Low in Carb, Unmatched Flavor. Large Selection of Delicious Low Carb Baked Products.

Sourdough baked doughnuts Seriously, they're lighter than their fried cousins and save you the mess of cleaning up frying oil. These come together in just a few steps. Mix up a wet dough, cover and leave for four hours, mix in a few more bits and then put into the donut tray to bake! You can cook Sourdough baked doughnuts using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sourdough baked doughnuts

  1. It's 235 ml of milk.
  2. Prepare 1 of egg.
  3. It's 60 g of butter or margarine.
  4. Prepare 225 g of sourdough starter.
  5. Prepare 500 g of plain flour.
  6. Prepare 100 g of granulated sugar.
  7. You need 1 tsp of cinnamon (optional).
  8. You need 1 tsp of salt.
  9. You need of Granulated sugar, cinnamon sugar, or icing sugar and sprinkles.

The resulting donuts are a spiced vanilla. My kids had never ever had donuts for breakfast up until recently. Since I have started making sourdough donuts (I still like to spell it doughnuts, so I may oscillate spellings, forgive me:), I surprised the kids one day with sourdough donuts for breakfast, and they thought it was the coolest thing since peanut butter. Make the softest glazed doughnuts and use your sourdough discard with this delicious sourdough discard donuts recipe!

Sourdough baked doughnuts instructions

  1. Warm milk to 120C..
  2. Add sourdough starter, flour, salt, sugar, cinnamon (if using) to a bowl. Stir in milk, egg, butter using a table knife until thoroughly combined and dough comes together..
  3. Knead dough on a lightly floured surface for 10-15 minutes. Form a ball and pop into a lightly greased bowl. Cover and set aside for 1 hour at room temperature to rise..
  4. Pull corners into the middle of the dough. Turn over, cover and set aside. Repeat each hour several times. Finally, repeat and proof overnight..
  5. In the morning, roll out onto a lightly floured surface to 3cm thick. Cut out using a large circle cutter. Use a small cutter to cut out middle..
  6. Put onto a lined baking tray and brush with oil. Cover with greased foil and set aside for 30 minutes to one hour to rise..
  7. Preheat the oven to 170C. Melt 30g butter and brush over dough. Flick water onto the tray between the doughnuts. When it evaporates it creates steam which helps cook and rise doughnuts further. Cook for 10-15 minutes until golden..
  8. Melt 30g butter. Dip into the melted butter whilst warm and dip mmediately into sugar or cinnamon sugar. Alternatively cool and ice with icing sugar mixed with a few drops of water then add sprinkles. For glazed doughnuts, whilst warm mix together icing sugar and water to create a running consistency and dip in doughnut whilst warm. Set aside on a cooling tray to dry..
  9. If you wish to freeze them, you can do so. Freeze before dipping in butter and sugar or icing and do this once defrosted..

Make the same day, or rest the donuts overnight to prepare in the morning. Make the same day, or rest the donuts overnight to prepare in the morning. While doughnuts are still hot, add one doughnut to bowl and toss in sugar mixture until well coated. This easy and quick sourdough donut recipe is the perfect way to use sourdough discard. Delicious donuts with a slight sourdough tang.


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