Recipe: Delicious Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce

Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce. Place salmon skin side down on foil. Sprinkle with lemon pepper and onion salt. For the mushroom dill sauce, melt butter in a skillet over medium high heat.

Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce Serve over the salmon and potatoes. This seared salmon is nicely complemented by a creamy, lemony white wine mushroom sauce, flavored with thyme and dill weed. Lovely served with steamed asparagus and crusty bread to soak up extra sauce. You can have Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce using 12 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce

  1. You need 3 Pounds of Salmon.
  2. You need of Salt-Pepper.
  3. You need 6 g of Fresh Dill.
  4. It's of ✨Mushroom Dill Sauce✨.
  5. It's 150 g of Mushroom.
  6. Prepare 2 Tbsp of Butter.
  7. Prepare 10 g of Fresh Dill.
  8. It's 4 Tbsp of Mayonnaise.
  9. It's 1/4 Cup of Whipping Cream.
  10. You need 2 Cups of Greek Yoghurt.
  11. It's 1 of Onion.
  12. It's of Salt-Pepper.

Using light butter and fat free half and half in the sauce will yield great results and lower calories. There are a few reasons why this Salmon in Creamy Mushroom Sauce is so good. First, this dish is a healthy choice. A dill sauce with sour cream, mayonnaise, and horseradish accompanies a salmon fillet baked in a sealed aluminum foil packet for a centerpiece entree for the dinner table.

Salmon with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C). The cooking time will depend on how thick your salmon is and what temperature you like your salmon. Sprinkle the salmon fillets generously with salt and pepper and fresh dill. Then bake for 25-30 minutes..
  2. For the mushroom dill sauce, melt butter in a skillet over medium high heat. Add onion then mushrooms and cook until they are golden brown. Add whipping cream, yoghurt and mayonnaise then stir occasionally and simmer for 2-4 minutes. Add fresh dill and adjust the salt and pepper to your preferred taste. Serve over the salmon and potatoes. Enjoy!.

Spray a parchment or foil-lined baking sheet with olive oil spray; place the salmon filets on the sliced lemons—all on the baking sheet. Season each filet with a pinch of salt and pepper, and divided the fresh dill amongst the fish as well. The salmon is baked wrapped in foil with lemon slices, onion, and butter. It's then topped with a cool and creamy dill sauce. I love salmon paired with a creamy sauce and this dill sauce is my favorite.


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