How to Make Perfect Garlic steak foils

Garlic steak foils. DELICIOUS steak and potatoes seasoned with garlic and herbs, then cooked inside foil packets. This easy foil packet recipe can be cooked on the grill OR in the oven. Perfect for a family dinner or a.

Garlic steak foils Keto Steak Foil Packets - These easy to make Keto herb and garlic steak packets are a delicious easy Keto Steak Foil Packets. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. How do you make Garlic Butter Steak and Potato Foil Packets? You can cook Garlic steak foils using 10 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Garlic steak foils

  1. You need of Anchor butter.
  2. Prepare of garlic.
  3. Prepare of Mushrrom.
  4. Prepare of Potato’s.
  5. Prepare of Black pepper.
  6. You need of Salt.
  7. It's of Kitchen foil.
  8. It's of Steak of your choice.
  9. Prepare of Red/spring onion.
  10. You need of Cheese optional.

Place steak and potato mixture into foil packets and seal. When I make steak foil packets, I usually marinate the meat in my Best Steak Marinade in the afternoon and also prep a vegetable side dish at the same time. Marinating isn't a necessity, but it. If you love garlic, then you'll absolutely adore this recipe!

Garlic steak foils instructions

  1. Peel potatoes and dice to small cubes.
  2. Slice mushrooms.
  3. Half your anchor and crush a whole garlic add to the anchor and slowly melt (u can add chilli powder to this if you wanted).
  4. Cut steak in to cubes season with salt and black pepper.
  5. Now with your foil pull off enough to lay the ingredients on to and cover over the top. lay the foil in to a baking tray add your steak mushrooms potato’s and pour over your garlic butter.
  6. Wrap the sides of the foil over so all is covered tightly add to pre heated oven for a hour and a half or until potato’s and steak are cooked (middle one is just the baby’s potato’s).
  7. Poke a fork thru the foil so u have drainage to drain off fat.
  8. Top with cheese & red onion.

I marinated the steaks overnight and while there's nothing quite like a grilled steak the. Garlic Butter Steak with Asparagus and Mushrooms - pan seared skillet recipe plus"how to" tips to cook the best tender steak at home. This easy to customize recipe is also gluten free, low carb, paleo. Simply bake right in your foil packet. Quick, easy, and effortless with seriously zero Print Recipe. entree.


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