Recipe: Tasty How to Bake Bacon

How to Bake Bacon.

How to Bake Bacon You can cook How to Bake Bacon using 1 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of How to Bake Bacon

  1. You need of bacon ( or more or less).

How to Bake Bacon instructions

  1. Preheat oven to 400°.
  2. Line rimmed baking sheet with aluminum foil..
  3. Lay bacon on pan in single layer (Will need 2 pans if cooking full pound).
  4. Bake for 12-13 minutes for crisp bacon. You do not need to flip bacon. Will take longer if you use thick cut bacon. Adjust time to suit your taste..
  5. Transfer cooked bacon to paper towel lined plate. Dab top of bacon to remove excess grease..
  6. Don't forget to save your bacon grease! I keep mine in a small plastic container in the refrigerator..


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