Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Vegetable Chop

Vegetable Chop. Vegetable chop recipe with step by step photos - one of the popular street food in bengal are these vegetable chops. These are addictive and no one can just eat one. these fried crisp chops can be compared to croquettes or cutlets and have a slight sweet taste due to the addition of beetroot, carrot and peanuts. Vegetable chop is a popular street food from Kolkata.

Vegetable Chop Vegetable Chops are from the Patty family and is made using different vegetables and masalas. This recipe are commonly served in most of the Bengali households along with tea for tea time snacks. When it comes to cooking, most of us will agree to the fact that the least enjoyable part of the whole culinary experience is the prepping which involves tedious tasks like cutting, slicing, dicing, peeling, etc. You can have Vegetable Chop using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Vegetable Chop

  1. Prepare 1 &1/4 of of finely chopped beetroot.
  2. Prepare 1 of finely chopped carrot.
  3. It's 2 of small baked potatoes in micro oven for avoiding extra water.
  4. It's 1 teaspoon of homemade garam masala powder.
  5. You need 1/2 bunch of coriander leaves.
  6. Prepare 1 of cracked egg.
  7. It's 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper powder.
  8. Prepare As needed of fried peanuts.
  9. Prepare As needed of breadcrumbs.
  10. It's As needed of oil.
  11. Prepare As needed of salt.
  12. You need As needed of chaat masala.
  13. You need 5 of chopped green chillies.
  14. Prepare As needed of refined flour.
  15. You need As needed of For presentation sliced onion,sliced tomatoes and cucumber.

With the sharp stainless steel blades, you can effortlessly chop and blend vegetables, fruits, herbs, and nuts. This product provides you with every convenience such as comfort soft grip lid, anti-skid base, easy pull cord, and a large handle. Other options New and used In this recipe for Bengali vegetable chop (sometimes called beet chop or veg cutlet), we recreate the popular and beloved Kolkata street food. Slice and chop fruit and vegetables for salads and sides.

Vegetable Chop instructions

  1. Cut all in the same process which is above shows,remove the skin of the potatoes and smashed,put the pan in the heated oven put beetroot and carrot saute it,.
  2. Now add coriander leaves and green chilli, mix well then add garam masala powder add black pepper powder saute for more times until it becomes soft,add smashed potatoes mix all ingredients well. Add fried peanuts, chaat masala mix again,.
  3. Now put into the plate give chop shaped, make four chop dough. Now put dough in the refined flour mix then put in the liquid egg mix well then put it in the breadcrumbs and mix well,and keep inside the refrigerator for half an hour..
  4. Then deep fried in the oil.
  5. Yummy healthy vegetable chop is ready for serving..

And, most of our food choppers come with their own storage so you won't be fumbling around looking for pieces. Whether you're prepping lunches for the week, chopping up chocolate for baking, or making your famous salsa, we've got you covered. Add bean sprouts, brown sugar, soy sauce and vegetable stock (add chilli sauce and cashews here is desired). Serve immediately with noodles or rice. Vegetable Chop Suey is an American Chinese dish filled with vegetables in a salty, starch-thickened sauce served over crunchy, fried chow mein noodles or rice.


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