Easiest Way to Make Delicious Japanese style salmon with potatoes

Japanese style salmon with potatoes. Add the cooked potato and mushrooms to a frying pan. Excellent combination of salmon with potatoes! Cut the potato into the same size as the potato.

Japanese style salmon with potatoes Add salmon, skin side down, to pan with potatoes; add broccoli. Pour any remaining mixture from both bowls over salmon and broccoli. Japanese-style Salmon Gratin Baked in Mashed Potatoes instructions. You can cook Japanese style salmon with potatoes using 9 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Japanese style salmon with potatoes

  1. Prepare 2 pieces of Salmon.
  2. Prepare 2 pieces of Potatoes.
  3. You need 1/4 package of Mushrooms.
  4. You need To taste of Salt & pepper.
  5. It's of Some Olive oil.
  6. Prepare of Some Garlic.
  7. It's 100 cc of Water.
  8. You need of Some Parsley.
  9. It's 1-1.5 tablespoon of Soy sauce.

Mash with a fork and mix with the A ingredients to make mashed potatoes. Great recipe for Japanese-style Salmon Gratin Baked in Mashed Potatoes. I came up with this recipe one sunny day on the weekend. With a glass of wine in one hand, I contemplated how great a normal life is.

Japanese style salmon with potatoes step by step

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and soak them in water for a while..
  2. Cut the salmon same size of the potato. Add salt and pepper..
  3. Spread olive oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic. When the smell of garlic comes up, start baking the salmon..
  4. Place the potatoes on a plate, wrap it and heat in a microwave oven (2 minutes 30 seconds at 600 w)..
  5. Add the cooked potato and mushrooms to a frying pan..
  6. Add 100 cc of water, cover it (open a little space), and simmer over medium to high heat until all the water evaporates..
  7. Add soy sauce, taste it and adjust it with salt and pepper!.
  8. Place it on a plate and add parsley on top!!.

The baking time varies depending on the oven. Since the ingredients are all cooked. Finally, season with salt and pepper. Japanese Potato Salad; Roasted Cauliflower Kale Salad; Green Bean with Crumbled Tofu & Sesame; Pairing Teriyaki Salmon With Wine. Korokke (コロッケ, potato and ground meat croquette) is one of the very popular Japanese home cooking dishes.


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