Recipe: Delicious cheesy baked omelet

cheesy baked omelet. Get this egg dish for six in the oven far faster than making individual omelets one at a time on the stove. This is an easy breakfast so can be made any time during the week, while you dress up for work, breakfast is baking. Give it a try and you might even make.

cheesy baked omelet Enter a delicious breakfast recipe featuring cheesy bacon and chive omelets baked in a muffin tin. This easy, cheesy omelet bake can be on the table in less than an hour, and can feed a crowd. Cheesy Ham and Egg Bubble-Up Bake. You can have cheesy baked omelet using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of cheesy baked omelet

  1. Prepare 3 large of eggs.
  2. Prepare 1/4 packages of bacon (crisped).
  3. You need 2 tbsp of onion, chopped.
  4. Prepare 4 tbsp of shredded swiss cheese.
  5. Prepare 2 slice of deli ham, diced.
  6. It's 1 medium of red potato diced.
  7. It's 3 tbsp of milk or cream.

Fold omelette in half, and slide to a plate to serve immediately with hot pandesal. I have been on a serious omelet kick lately. I love omelets, especially when they are baked to fluffy perfection and stuffed with cheese and sauteed yumminess. See more ideas about recipes, omelette, omelet.

cheesy baked omelet instructions

  1. preheat oven to 350.
  2. sautee the red potatoes,onions,and ham with butter (or olive oil) until potatoes are golden brown and onions are tender. season with salt and pepper..
  3. scramble the eggs with a splash of milk or cream.
  4. place the potato mixture in a small pot or ramekin that is oven safe and pour eggs over it.
  5. sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven about 1/2 he or until cooked through.
  6. crisp Bacon on the stove while eggs are in the oven..
  7. crumble the Bacon and sprinkle over top and enjoy!!.

There were so many things I loved about this Denver Baked Omelet. Find healthy, delicious omelet recipes, from EatingWell, including cheese, egg white and spinach omelets. These Greek-inspired baked mini omelets are the perfect breakfasts on the go. Evidently I'm on a French-kick this week. Cheesy crab omelet recipe is fancy enough to serve for a brunch party, but easy and quick enough for weekday breakfasts, too.


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