Recipe: Delicious Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo

Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo. Fragrant sardines in the oven. Δημοφιλέστερες Ειδήσεις Sintages Pareas. Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo. Sardines are canned in many different ways.

Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo Puff Pastry with Marinated Portuguese SardinesReceitas Da Felicidade! Ингредиенты. Naturally wood smoked brisling sardines, water, vinegar, mustard seed, salt, turmeric, red pepper, garlic, paprika, natural flavor. For this appetizer from Kea, fresh sardines are lightly pickled in a tart marinade. You can have Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo using 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo

  1. It's 1/2 kg of fresh sardines.
  2. Prepare of For the marinade.
  3. Prepare 1/2 cup of olive oil.
  4. You need 1/4 cup of ouzo.
  5. You need 2 tbsp of mustard (hot).
  6. You need 2 tsp of garlic paste (boiled and mashed garlic in olive oil) or 2 cloves of garlic chopped extremely fine.
  7. Prepare 1 tsp of smoked paprika.
  8. It's of fleur de sel (flower of salt) or ground coarse salt.
  9. It's 1 of little bit of boukovo (hot paprika flakes).
  10. You need of thyme.
  11. It's of rosemary.

A wide variety of marinated sardines options are available to you, such as body, whole. You can also choose from oil, salt, and brine marinated sardines, as well as from sardine. Marinated Fresh Sardines. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. How to make homemade marinated sardines and how to preserve them for a long time if you wish.

Sardines marinated in mustard and ouzo step by step

  1. Clean the sardines thoroughly, gut them and wash them extremely well. If you like, remove the head. I leave it because this way it is more tasty and because they get crispy they taste very nice..
  2. Strain them as best as you can and place them in a bowl!.
  3. Place all the ingredients of the marinade in a bowl and mix very well so that they combine..
  4. Cover the sardines with the marinade and then with cling film!.
  5. Place in the fridge for 2 hours to marinate!.
  6. Preheat the oven using the lower heating element and the fan at 180°C..
  7. Move the sardines onto the greaseproof paper.
  8. And bake for 30 minutes which will allow them to get nice and crispy on the outside and very soft and juicy on the inside..

A perfect snack to enjoy with a cold beer. Marinated sardines are delicious delicacy, I think similar to make homemade bread. The best way to eat them is at room temperature with a cold beer, of course. Marinate the Sardines: in a greased baking dish, carefully arrange the fish slightly overlapping one another. Drizzle the extra virgin olive oil, garlic, oregano, lemon juice, pepper and sea salt.


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