Recipe: Yummy Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy

Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy.

Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy You can have Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy using 14 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy

  1. Prepare 200 gm of Boiled Macroni.
  2. Prepare 4 of cheese cubes.
  3. Prepare 1 bowl....200 gm of Chopped pineapple almost.
  4. It's 2 tsp of maida.
  5. It's 300 ml of milk (2 full cup milk).
  6. You need As needed of Oregano.
  7. Prepare 2 tsp of butter.
  8. Prepare as per taste of Tomato Sauce.
  9. It's of For Oreo shake..
  10. Prepare ..150 ml of milk.
  11. Prepare 4-5 of oreo biscuits.
  12. Prepare as required of Chocolate syrup.
  13. It's 2 tbsp of sugar.
  14. It's 1 scoop of ice cream vanilla.

Baked Pineapple Macaroni # Oreo Shake....Enjoy instructions

  1. Boil Macaroni and drained out water from it..add cold water and again drain it. While boiling add 1 tsp oil into the water..that's why Macroni will not stick with each other..
  2. Let's make white sauce...take 2 tsp butter in a pan...put it on the flame..add 2 tbsp maida and roast it till golden brown...
  3. Add milk in it and stir it well.....stir it constantly to not get lumps...add pinch of salt and then 1 cube grated cheese in it.Stir well and off the took almost 10 minutes to prepare white sauce..with pouring consistency..
  4. Let's assemble Macroni...take a square shaped glass Macroni dish.....grease it with butter...make thin layer of bread crumbs at bottom. Add some white sauce and spread it evenly..
  5. Then make layer of boiled Macaroni on it.. Spread some white sauce on it. Put some pineapple pieces.Again spread Macroni and then white sauce on it...then add pineapple pieces.....Grated cheese cubes on the top layer.Garnish with pineapple pieces..
  6. Then put the container in the oven at 180 bake....
  7. Macroni will be ready after 20 minutes..
  8. Now let's make oreo shake...for that take full fate milk,add sugar and pieces of oreo biscuits in it...Crush all these together in a mixie jar.
  9. Pour some chocolate syrup in a serving glass as shown in the picture. Pour oreo shake and add scoop of vanilla ice cream..Garnish it with Oreo biscuits..


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