How to Make Yummy Monkfish wrapped in parma ham

Monkfish wrapped in parma ham. Mix together the sundried tomatoes, garlic and chopped basil. Spread some of the mixture over the centre of each portion then wrap a slice of Parma ham around the middle of the fish to cover the topping. Parma ham adds flavour and a crispy texture to this meaty fish.

Monkfish wrapped in parma ham Drizzle the oil in a shallow roasting tin and place the Parma-ham-covered fish in the tin. Salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spread over the top of the monkfish fillets, then wrap in slices of Parma ham. You can cook Monkfish wrapped in parma ham using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Monkfish wrapped in parma ham

  1. It's of Monkfish tail.
  2. Prepare Packet of parma ham.
  3. Prepare Touch of salt, not too much because the ham is salty.
  4. It's of Olive oil.

Slice the monkfish and serve with salad leaves dressed with olive oil and white wine vinegar. Cut the monkfish fillet into two and spread the paste on top of one piece. Lay the other piece on top and wrap the Parma ham or pancetta around it to make a parcel. Tie string around it to hold it all in place.

Monkfish wrapped in parma ham instructions

  1. Prep your fish. With a sharp knife, remove skin and membrane.
  2. Fillet it by cutting down either side of the bone. Top and tail the fillets so you have a sausage :).
  3. Put parma ham on a plate. Put fish on top on one side. Roll it up.
  4. Wrap in foil or cling film and rest in fridge for at least 30 mins. Place on baking sheet, drizzle with oil and cook in the oven at 200 for about 25-30 mins :).

Wrap the monkfish in the prosciutto and season with freshly ground black pepper. Heat a large, ovenproof frying pan, put a little oil in and add the pieces of fish with the good side up. Monkfish with Parma Ham and Pesto Great to look at and even better to eat, these Parma-ham wrapped monkfish parcels look way more labour-intensive than they are - perfect if you want to impress! Serve with some simply-dressed salad leaves and a wedge or two of fresh lemon. Then, place your monkfish fillets at one end, season, and, using the greaseproof paper as an aid to wrap the monkfish firmly in the Parma ham, fold and roll up.


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