How to Cook Yummy Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce

Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce. The sweet potato or sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a member of the Convolvulaceae family of flowering plants, which includes the morning glory, chokeweed, and water spinach. The sweet potato has been cultivated for thousands of years for its tuberous roots.

Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce Sweet potatoes are usually orange but also found in other colors, such as white. Danny explains sweet potatoes and how to plant them. A step by step guide to planting sweet potatoes. You can have Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce using 27 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce

  1. It's of For the Dough:.
  2. You need 130 g of Butter (Room Temperature).
  3. It's 200 g of All Purpose Flour.
  4. You need 3 tbsp of Milk.
  5. You need 1 of Yolk of an Egg.
  6. It's 1 pinch of Salt.
  7. It's of For the Filling:.
  8. You need 2 tbsp of Oil.
  9. Prepare 1 of Onion.
  10. You need 1 clove of Garlic.
  11. It's 120 ml of Single Cream.
  12. You need 180 g of Soured Cream.
  13. It's 100 g of Grated Cheddar.
  14. It's 2 pinch of Chili Flakes.
  15. You need 3 of Eggs.
  16. You need 1 of Sweet Potato.
  17. Prepare 1 handful of Baby Spinach.
  18. It's 200 g of Skinless Salmon Fillet.
  19. It's 1 bunch of Dill.
  20. You need 1 bunch of Chive.
  21. Prepare of Salt and Pepper.
  22. Prepare of For the Dill Sauce:.
  23. You need 300 g of Soured Cream.
  24. It's 30 ml of Single Cream.
  25. Prepare 1 pinch of Chili Flakes.
  26. It's 1 bunch of Dill.
  27. Prepare of Salt & Pepper.

How to collect the slips from the sweet potatoes that. The sweet potato is probably one of the most-versatile vegetables. Find recipes for all the different ways you can prepare sweet potatoes here. Sweet potatoes are considered a low-glycemic food and high in fiber, which means they release and absorb glucose into the bloodstream very slowly, preventing a spike in blood sugar.

Sweet Potato & Salmon Pie accompanied with a yummy Dill Sauce step by step

  1. The ingredients of the Dough are very well mixed and blended, while forming a Ball shaped dough. Wrap it into a cling film and throw into the fridge for roughly a half an hour..
  2. For the Filling, first gotta fry the Onion & Garlic in a pan..
  3. Dice the sweet potato into smaller cubes, boiling for 10-12 minutes. Until the potato boiling dice the salmon as well into smaller chunks..
  4. In another bowl add the cream, the soured cream, the grated cheese, the Chili flakes, the previously fried onions & garlic, the diced salmon, the eggs, the boiled sweet potato, and the baby spinach. Fine chop the dill and the chives and stir into filling..
  5. Take the dough out from the fridge, pin rolling into a 26-27cm diameter round form on a floured surface. Rolling the dough up onto the pin, and place on the Pie baking dish. Pushing the dough all around the edges and the middle while cut the excess around the dish off..
  6. Cover the pie dough with a double layer of kitchen foil, and fill with dry beans. Chuck into the 180° preheated oven for about 10 minutes..
  7. Just remove the beans and the kitchen foils, pouring all the filling onto the pre-baked dough. Push the pie back into the oven, baking it completely for about 35-40 minutes..
  8. For the sauce, fine chop the dill and stir together with the rest of the ingredients (soured cream, single cream, Chili flakes, salt, pepper).
  9. .

Sweet potatoes are versatile, filling and packed with goodness. Serve this super root veg in curries, soups and salads, or turn them into mash or fries. Over the years, sweet potatoes have been studied, and the means of production have also been improved. Initially, people experimented, but now there are particular things that are known that guarantees better production of this vegetable. Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A and provide fiber, potassium, and many other nutrients.


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