Recipe: Appetizing Parmesean baked chicken breast

Parmesean baked chicken breast. Chicken breasts are breaded with flavorful crumbs, herbs, and Parmesan cheese, then baked for the easiest, quickest chicken dish ever. In a separate bowl, mix the bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, basil, and pepper. Dip each chicken breast in the oil mixture, then in the bread crumb mixture.

Parmesean baked chicken breast This Parmesan mayonnaise baked chicken breast recipe has everything. It's extremely moist, the great taste of Parmesan, and a little crunchiness. This is a baked chicken recipe using an easy, tasty coating. You can have Parmesean baked chicken breast using 9 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Parmesean baked chicken breast

  1. It's 2 cup of ceasar croutons.
  2. It's 1/2 cup of parmesean cheese.
  3. Prepare 1 dash of parsley.
  4. It's 1 tsp of lemon juice.
  5. It's 1 of egg.
  6. You need 3 tbsp of olive oil.
  7. You need 3 of chickrn breast pieces, raw.
  8. Prepare 1 dash of onion salt.
  9. Prepare 4 cup of italian dressing.

The "inspired by" for today goes to Melt in Your Mouth Chicken Breast at Baked Chicken Breast In Alfredo Sauce Recipes. Garlic-Butter Baked Chicken Breasts with CheeseYummly. Baked Breaded Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Recipes.

Parmesean baked chicken breast instructions

  1. Pour dressing in pan and set chicken breast for 30 minutes to an hour in oan in fridge.
  2. Crush croutons to fine dust.
  3. Combine breadcrumbs, parmesean, parsley, and onion salt in a bowl, mix well, leave set..
  4. Set oven to 350°F.
  5. Combine egg, olive oil, and lemon juice and lay out to coat chicken in.
  6. Coat chicken in egg mixture and bread accordingly.
  7. Dash parmesean and parsley on top of chicken amd place in oven.
  8. Cook for 50 minutes or until chiken breast is done.
  9. For an additional side, roast sliced tomatoes and chopped potatoes in olive oil, lemon juice, amd parsley along side the chicken breast..

For a healthy weeknight standby without the oil from frying, make Ted Allen's recipe for Baked Chicken Breasts with Parmesan Crust from Food Network. My Parmesan baked chicken breasts are juicy, with the juice seeping out from the meat. Top the marinated chicken breasts with the grated Parmesan cheese evenly. This super quick entrée will be asked for again and again. Dip chicken in butter; coat with breadcrumb mixture.


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