How to Cook Yummy Muffins with feta cheese and olives

Muffins with feta cheese and olives. Savory Olive Feta Cheese Muffinsshine little house. These olive, feta and spinach muffins are dead-easy and quick to make. The flavor is outstanding, and this is simply the best savory muffins recipe around.

Muffins with feta cheese and olives This recipe may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, which means that I'll earn a small. Cut the chorizo, olives & jalapenos in pieces. You can cook Muffins with feta cheese and olives using 12 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Muffins with feta cheese and olives

  1. It's 250 g of whole wheat flour.
  2. It's 300 g of feta cheese or anthotyro (traditional fresh cheese).
  3. You need 100 g of olives (with the pits removed) cut in pieces.
  4. Prepare 150 ml of olive oil.
  5. Prepare 1 of little bit of milk (if needed).
  6. It's 300 g of yoghurt  2%.
  7. Prepare 4 of whole eggs.
  8. Prepare 4 tsp of baking powder.
  9. It's 2 tsp of baking soda.
  10. It's 1-2 tsp of salt.
  11. Prepare 2 tsp of oregano.
  12. You need 1 of little bit of butter to grease the tray or muffin paper cups.

Fry the chorizos for a few minutes with a bit oil in a bit pan. Put the kidney beans in a bowl and add olives, chives, jalapenos, feta cheese & the chorizo pieces. Roll out the pizza dough and cut out round pieces. Cook the spinach in a frying pan with a dash of olive oil until wilted and set aside.

Muffins with feta cheese and olives step by step

  1. Preheat the oven at about 170°C and place the second oven rack from the bottom..
  2. In a bowl mix the flour, the baking powder, the baking soda, the oregano and the salt. In another bowl mix the olive oil, the eggs and the yoghurt. Add all the liquids to the bowl with the flour and with a large spoon we combine them well. If the mixture is too firm add a bit of milk. Then, add the olives and the feta cheese or anthotyro in little cubes, stirring  lightly..
  3. Butter the muffin molds or use muffin cups and distribute the mixture so that it fills about  slightly over 2/3 of each cup. Bake for 30’, if the muffins are large και 20’ if you make small ones..

Add the Parmesan and Feta cheese, herbs, olives, spinach and tomatoes and blend well. Line a muffin tin with muffin cups and spoon the mixture into them. Line your muffin pan with paper cups and cut the feta cheese into small chunks. In a bowl mix flour, baking powder and salt. In another bowl combine spinach, eggs, olive oil and milk.


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