Recipe: Perfect My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad

My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad. Top a Baked Potato with Bush's® Beans, Cheddar Cheese and Sour Cream. Let Our Collection Of Easy & Simple Recipes Guide You In The Kitchen. Love loaded baked potatoes with bacon, cheese, sour cream, and chives?

My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad This fully loaded baked potato salad is easy to make and SO delicious. It's packed with flavor from the potatoes, dressing, eggs, bacon, and cheese. What is Loaded Baked Potato Salad? You can cook My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad using 8 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad

  1. It's 9 of Yellow flesh potatoes.
  2. It's 1 packages of Bacon, cooked and crumbled.
  3. It's 9 of Green Onions, sliced.
  4. Prepare 2 of Cups shredded cheese of your choice (i used marble).
  5. Prepare 1 of Container Sour Cream.
  6. Prepare 1/2 cup of Miricle whip, Any Mayo will do though.
  7. It's 1 of Black Pepper.
  8. It's 1/2 cup of fresh dill.

In a word, it's the best! Imagine a fully loaded baked potato with all of the toppings: Russet Potatoes (The best potatoes for potato salad!) Sour Cream The best potatoes for loaded potato salad. Loaded baked potatoes are traditionally made with Russet or Idaho potatoes. They're very starchy and fall apart easily, so using them for this potato salad could end up as a mashed potato salad.

My loaded Baked Potatoe Salad instructions

  1. Clean and Dice Potatoes ...I peeled 6 potatoes completely and left the skins on 3, Boil until fork tender..
  2. Cook your bacon until crispy not burned, Crumble. Set aside..
  3. Drain Potatoes , run under cold water in the strainer for a minute..
  4. Set aside some shredded cheese, green onions and some bacon to top it off with later! Transfer potatoes to your dish, add the sour cream, Mayo, dill, bacon, cheese, and pepper to your liking, mix well try not to stir ,but gently fold. Add the toppings! Serve room temp. Or put in fridge for an hour serve cold OR you can put in a baking dish, Bake at 350 for 15 mins until the cheese is melted ontop....ENJOY :).

Red potatoes (my favorite) are the least starchy and can take a beating. This is a great twist on two all-American favorites--the potato salad and the loaded baked potato. Served cold, this has been a crowd-pleaser at our many family functions and is often requested. Even people who don't normally love potato salad seem to love this! This is a recipe I came up with as an alternative to regular potato salad.


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