Recipe: Yummy Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges

Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges. For the vegetables, put the vegetables onto a baking tray. Spray with a little olive oil, and sprinkle over the smoked paprika. Season with salt and pepper Once the vegetables are tender and the falafel golden-brown and crisp on the outside, remove from the oven.

Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges Traditionally deep-fried falafels can be quite high in saturated fat so these are baked and served with a fat-free dip and roasted vegetables. Third Thread the half roasted vegetables and falafels on wooden skewers. We used three falafels per skewer. You can cook Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges using 14 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges

  1. It's of Falafel.
  2. You need 2 tins of chickpeas.
  3. You need Cup of frozen peas.
  4. It's of Large handful of spinach.
  5. You need 1 of large tbsp of tahini paste.
  6. It's of Salt & pepper.
  7. You need of Roast veg.
  8. Prepare 2 of peppers.
  9. It's 2 of courgettes.
  10. You need 2 of red onions.
  11. You need of Sweet potato wedges.
  12. Prepare 2 of large sweet potatoes.
  13. Prepare 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  14. You need of Salt & pepper.

A roasted veg medley (peppers, onion, tomatoes, courgettes) on a bed of cauliflower mash served with falafel bites, smoked salmon and goats cheese, with homemade hummus! Delicious for a healthy work lunch! I like to make this healthy falafel salad with warm roasted vegetables for when I need something hearty and comforting, but still vibrant and light. I've made this low fat baked falafel recipe a number of times--it's so easy and satisfying.

Falafel with roast veg & sweet potato wedges step by step

  1. Prep your ingredients. You’ll also need a baking sheet, food processor and a large mixing bowl 👍.
  2. Turn oven on to 180°C (fan).
  3. Wash sweet potato skins and cut into wedges.
  4. Coat the wedges in olive oil and some salt & pepper. Then lay out on a baking tray. Cook for 30 mins (turning after halfway)..
  5. For the roast veg, cut the peppers in half. Then scoop out of the seeds. cut each half into quarters..
  6. For the courgettes, cut off the tops and bottoms. Then cut down the middle and cut into chunks..
  7. Cut the bottom and top off the onion and peel off the outer layer. Then cut into wedges..
  8. Put all the roast veg into a bowl. Add some olive oil and salt & pepper, then coat the veg. Now add all the veg to a baking sheet and put in the oven for 20 minutes turning halfway..
  9. Drain the chickpeas. And then add then to the food blender..
  10. For the falafel, blitz the chickpeas, peas and spinach with the tahini paste. Making sure everything is combined well. (Smooth or chunky as you prefer)..
  11. Form golf ball size patties with the mix.
  12. Cook the falafels for 30 mins.

Anyway, this week beetroot is happening again This one is made with roasted beetroot. There is something about that colour that really This root vegetable also has good levels of zinc, iron and copper for maintaining general. The Falafel & Hummus wrap is one of my favorite wrap recipes. If you include the Mediterranean "roasted" vegetables then this wrap recipe is perfect. Made with quinoa, roasted vegetables, greens and of course, baked falafel this vegan and gluten-free recipe makes a complete meal in one.


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