Easiest Way to Cook Perfect my moms potato pancakes

my moms potato pancakes. Spread the mixture on a kitchen towel, roll it up and twist until. Latkes (potato pancakes) are a must have at Hanukkah, but really are wonderful any time of year! This is my mother's recipe, which is honestly the best latke I've had.

my moms potato pancakes If you see potatoes lying around in your pantry - give it a go. I also include a dipping sauce in the written recipe below. Give your mini potato pancakes a dip in the pool and enjoy 😉. (Alright, I'm on my way to Vegas for a friend's wedding - so I'll end it short today!) Daniel out! 🕺 Wish me luck on the. You can cook my moms potato pancakes using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of my moms potato pancakes

  1. It's 2 tbsp of baking powder.
  2. Prepare 10 medium of potatoes.
  3. Prepare 3 of eggs.
  4. It's 1 small of onion chopped.
  5. It's 2 of shakes of oregano.
  6. You need 5 clove of of garlic chopped.
  7. You need 2 1/2 cup of flour.
  8. It's 1 of shakes of salt n pepper.

These potato pancakes are made by grating raw potatoes into the batter - weird but so good! They are a favorite in our house. This is my Mom's recipe and the pancakes are amazing as is but this time we added a tasty meat filling (inspired by one of my favorite bloggers, Olga). Ever wonder what to do with those leftover mashed potatoes instead of shepherd's pie? · Southern mashed potato pancakes from leftover mashed potatoes.

my moms potato pancakes step by step

  1. grate potatoes and add other ingredients and mix well.
  2. heat oil in pan on medium and put tblsp of batter in oil and form patties and flip when Brown and flip again till done ,put on Brown paper bag to absorb oil and when done eat n enjoy.

This versatile recipe can be prepared for breakfast, an appetizer, side dish, or a snack. Potato pancakes require you to grate potatoes on the smallest slots of your grater. This is more time consuming and results in a liquidy pulp. Latkes require you to grate potatoes on the larger shreds. Typically, latkes are made with the same ingredients as potato pancakes, with the exception of the.


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