Recipe: Delicious Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento)

Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento).

Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento) You can have Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento) using 3 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento)

  1. Prepare 1 of Chikuwa.
  2. It's 1 slice of Ham.
  3. Prepare 1 of Mayonnaise.

Baked Ham and Chikuwa Mayonnaise Rolls (Pack in your Bento) instructions

  1. Cut the chikuwa lengthwise and flatten. Turn sideways and expose the white side (the inside) by lightly inserting a kitchen knife (this makes it easier to roll)..
  2. Roll the ham with the chikuwa on the outside, white side facing up. Secure the roll in 2 places with a toothpick, flip over so that the rolled part is visible, squirt mayonnaise on top, and cook in a oven until golden brown..
  3. This is what they look like before toasting..


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