Recipe: Perfect Whosayna’s Australian Pie

Whosayna’s Australian Pie. An Australian or New Zealand meat pie is a hand-sized meat pie containing diced or minced meat and gravy, sometimes with onion, mushrooms, or cheese and often consumed as a takeaway food snack. The meat pie is considered iconic in Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand pies are too good.

Whosayna’s Australian Pie Home of the best Aussie Meat Pies - anywhere! Australian Meat Pies. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. This is The Australian Traditional Meat pie! usually eaten for lunch for just watching the aussie rules footy. You can cook Whosayna’s Australian Pie using 21 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Whosayna’s Australian Pie

  1. You need For of Base:.
  2. Prepare 11/2 cup of All Purpose Flour.
  3. Prepare 1 tsp of Baking Powder.
  4. You need Pinch of Salt.
  5. Prepare 2 heapful tbsp of Butter/Margarine.
  6. Prepare For of Top:.
  7. Prepare as needed of Puff Pastry sheets.
  8. You need For of Filling:.
  9. You need 1/2 kg of Steak (Chinese Cut).
  10. It's As needed of Salt.
  11. Prepare 1/2 tsp of Black Pepper powder.
  12. You need 1 of small piece of Ginger (slivered).
  13. Prepare 5 cloves of Garlic cloves (chopped).
  14. It's 4 of Tomatoes (blend it).
  15. You need 2 tbsp of Flour.
  16. Prepare 2 tbsp of Tomato Puree.
  17. You need 1 tsp of Worcestershire Sauce.
  18. You need 1 cup of Sweet Corns.
  19. It's 1 tsp of Chilli flakes.
  20. It's 1/2 tsp of Paprika.
  21. Prepare 1 cup of chopped Veggies (Capsicum, French Beans and Carrots).

Australian meat pie, one of the most emblematic dishes of Australia, is a pie stuffed with beef traditionally served in individual portions. Australia is trying to negotiate with the republic of East Timor. Both Australia and New Zealand lay claim to inventing this famous dessert, created in honour of the Russian ballerina Anna You may think that a pie's a pie, available in any flavour with any filling. The Pie Floater is a traditional Australian classic.

Whosayna’s Australian Pie instructions

  1. Base: Boil butter or margarine in one cup of water. Mix dry ingredients well bind to soft dough using hot butter and water mixture. Cover with cling film.
  2. Filling: In a bowl put steak add little salt, black pepper powder and flour, mix well. In pressure cooker put oil add onions and sprinkle a tsp of sugar then braise to brown colour. Add steak and braise till it nice brown colour add the rest with one and half cups of water, mix well close the lid and cook till done. If it's watery dry on high flame.
  3. Can add veggies and sweet corns when drying water. Make sure it's saucy not dried up. Pie Filling: Roll rotis the one and half to two inches bigger then the pie or tart moulds. Lay the roti on the greased moulds and press the sides till the rim, can cut of extra Poke with fork on the base Bake in oven on 200°C till creamish brown, i usually make this before preparing the filling so by the time the filling is done all bases are ready to be filled. Let it cool then do filling..
  4. Top up with puff pastry rotis just a little bigger then the top of mould then pinch and press the edges all over. Slit on the top then glaze with beaten egg Bake in oven on 200°C till nice golden brown colour.

Enjoying my meat pie with mushy peas I could help but be reminded of a hearty winter dish back home in South Australia… the Pie Floater! Aussie Meat Pies are filled with beef and vegetables in a rich and delicious gravy. These delicious Aussie Meat Pies fit the bill perfectly! My husband Jack was recently browsing through some of the. Download Australian pies stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos, images and pictures at reasonable prices.


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