Recipe: Perfect Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes

Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes. Once fried add the mince meat and stir. Milk - Brings creaminess to the mashed potatoes. Minced onion - This is dried minced onion (shown in the photo below this ingredients list) that you buy in the spices section of the grocery store.

Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes Those are the best potatoes since they are higher in starch. They'll give you smooth and fluffy mashed potatoes. The potatoes are peeled and chopped. You can cook Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes using 10 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes

  1. Prepare 1 kg of bag of potatoes.
  2. You need 1 kg of Beef mince meat.
  3. Prepare 4 tbsp of Margarine.
  4. Prepare 2 tbsp of original aromat.
  5. It's 2 of chicken stock cubes.
  6. You need 1 cup of milk/4tbsp powdered milk.
  7. It's 1 of chopped onion.
  8. Prepare 2 tbsp of steak and chops spice.
  9. You need 1 tsp of BBQ spice.
  10. Prepare 2 tbsp of chutney and bbq sauce.

Add green onion, garlic powder, chili flakes, salt, and pepper. How to make Baked Mashed Potatoes. Start with a box of Instant Mashed Potatoes. If you want to half the recipe or double the recipe, just adjust the ingredients, not the baking time below.

Oven baked mince and mashed potatoes step by step

  1. Peel off your potatoes, cut them into cubes and rinse them and bring them to boil with the chicken cubes.
  2. Once they are soft and the water is finished add your rama, milk and aromat and stir while you mash and switch off the stove leaving the pot on the hot plate..
  3. Fry the chopped onion with the spices.
  4. Once fried add the mince meat and stir. A few minutes later add 2 tbsp of chutney and bbq sauce and leave to fry till cooked..
  5. Once both the mash and mince are cooked put them on an oven pan making layers of both the potatoes and mince and bake for about 20min at 150 degrees and serve with any salad of your choice. Delicious!.

One note on making the instant potatoes. This makes for super fluffy and rich mashed potatoes. The top gets a little bit of texture from the heat of the oven and the insides are steamy and dreamy. I like to serve these with chives and black pepper on top. Yukon Gold potatoes are mashed and then baked with butter, milk, cream cheese, egg, and onion.


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