Recipe: Tasty Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi

Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi. Kuttu ke aate ke pakode. potatoes, kuttu ka aata, sendha salt, red pepper(lal mirch), Oil for deep frying Jaya. Remove the gujiya once golden brown and similarly bake all the gujiya. The baked Gujiya are tossed in this syrup a few times to give it a light-sweet coating.

Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi Basundi also known as Rabri in some parts of India is a creamy rich dessert, is prepared especially during the festivities of Kali Chaudas and just about every small function or a party.  The Basundi/ Rabri tastes equally delicious when served with Jalebis and,  Malpuas Do give this recipe a try in your kitchen and you will love it for its rich , creamy texture.  Serve the. Once cooled, store the baked gujiya in an air-tight jar or box. Heat oil for deep frying in a kadai or pan. You can have Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi

  1. You need 1 cup of buckwheat flour.
  2. You need 1 of grated beetroot.
  3. Prepare 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  4. You need 1 of small size ripe grated papaya.
  5. It's 1/2 litre of milk.
  6. You need 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder.

First test the temperature of oil, before frying. Add a small piece of the dough in the oil. If the dough comes up gradually, then the oil is ready. If the dough sits at the bottom, the oil is still cold.

Baked Kuttu Gujiya in Papaya Rabdi instructions

  1. Firstly Boiled the milk, when milk reduced add papaya and stir it continusally..
  2. Then add sugar, cardamom powder and mix it nicely and saute it..
  3. When gathered Rabdi switch off the flame..
  4. Now take Kuttu Flour and make a dough..
  5. Then take grated beetroot add 1/2 teaspoon sugar mix it nicely..
  6. Now take small dough and make small Puri and in center put beetroot and closed it and give shape like gujiya. Make all Gujiya..
  7. In air fryer baked it for 5 minutes on 180 degree centigrade..
  8. Then in plate put Gujiya and Rabdi and enjoy it..

Raw papaya (pappali kai in Tamil) contains many essential nutrients and minerals which are good for our well being. It also contains active enzymes called papain, which helps improve digestive disorders. Being high in fiber content, they also help beat constipation. Kuttu or buck wheat is not related to wheat it's more like millets and used in making of lot of food products like Soba Noodles ( you didn't knew that right?), Tea, Beer, Whisky and also has medicinal values. Peel the papayas, split them in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.


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