Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork

Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork. This videos will guide you how to make Stuffed Tomatoes with Minced Pork [Cambodian's recipe]. Pork Chop in Tomato Sauce Recipe. Super Easy Spicy Potatoes w/ Minced Meat 香辣土豆炒肉碎 Chinese Pork Stir Fry Recipe

Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork Use a shallow pan with a tight-fitting lid. Tomatoes stuffed with pork, herbs and cheese and served with a rich tomato sauce. Season the insides of the tomatoes with a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. You can cook Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork using 17 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork

  1. You need 300 g of minced pork.
  2. You need 5 of tomatoes.
  3. It's of a:.
  4. You need 2 tsp of chopped garlic.
  5. It's 2 tsp of chopped spring onion.
  6. It's 2 tsp of salt.
  7. It's 1 tsp of chicken stock granules.
  8. Prepare 2 tsp of shaoxing wine.
  9. It's Pinch of cornflour.
  10. It's of Gravy.
  11. You need 30 ml of water.
  12. It's 1 tsp of cooking oil.
  13. It's as needed of Cornflour solution.
  14. You need of b:.
  15. Prepare 1 tsp of shaoxing wine.
  16. You need 1/4 tsp of chicken stock granules.
  17. It's 1 tsp of sugar.

Divide the pork stuffing into four equal portions and roll each into a ball big enough to fit inside the tomatoes. To stuff the tofu, simply cut a slice in the center of and fill it with the pork mixture. Cut it so you can add almost as much filling as you like without having the tofu burst at the sides. Make sure to check out Hungry Huy on Instagram for more pics of food adventures!

Stuffed tomatoes with minced pork instructions

  1. Rinse the tomatoes and trim off the tops, scoop out the soft pulp and seeds, wipe dry and set aside..
  2. Combine the minced pork and A to make filling..
  3. Stuff the filling into the tomatoes, then brush each tomato and the surface with oil..
  4. Arrange the stuffed tomatoes in an aluminum foil plate, place in the convention oven and bake at 175c for 25-30 minutes..
  5. Heat 1 tbsp of oil in wok, add in water and B, bring to a boil and thicken with cornflour solution..
  6. Spoon over the baked tomatoes and serve..

Tofu with minced pork recipe is a home-cooked favorite among the Chinese. Tofu with minced pork is easy to cook, and most of all delicious with a bowl of fluffy, steaming hot white rice. It is a very forgiving dish that still tastes fabulous even. These stuffed tomatoes can be made with ground turkey, chicken or pork. Kitchen Tools Used for Easy Stuffed Tomatoes.


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