Recipe: Appetizing Baked chicken breast

Baked chicken breast. Learn how to cook chicken breasts with this delicious, juicy, tender, and fool-proof baked chicken breast recipe! Perfect for easy dinners, meal prep, or freezing for later. Find hundreds of recipes that turn boring baked chicken breasts into easy, mouth-watering weeknight dinners.

Baked chicken breast Learn my simple tips to avoid making baked chicken breasts that are dried out and overcooked so. Baked chicken can be a healthy, quick meal to make any night of the week. Place the chicken in a baking dish. You can have Baked chicken breast using 8 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Baked chicken breast

  1. Prepare 1 of whole chicken breast.
  2. You need to taste of Seasoning and spices.
  3. Prepare 3-4 tablespoon of Ketch up.
  4. You need 2-3 of fresh garlic.
  5. You need 2-3 of scotch bonnets.
  6. You need 1 of large onion.
  7. Prepare 2 of read and green capsicum.
  8. It's 4-5 tablespoon of oil.

If you're cooking more than one chicken breast, keep them slightly apart. This simple baked chicken breast recipe results in the juiciest, flavorful, most delicious chicken breasts that you will make over and over. I learned this way of cooking chicken in culinary school. There is so little fat in a boneless, skinless chicken breast that it's hard to cook it without the meat ending up dry.

Baked chicken breast step by step

  1. Wash and cut chicken breast in cubes,then add in a bowl,add in spices and seasoning,mix ketchup and crushed garlic,then pour in chicken breast,then add grounded scotch bonnet and onion,also add oil,mix well and cover to let it marinate for like 20-30mins.
  2. Spread foil paper on baking tray and pour in marinated chicken breast,then add cut green and red capiscum with chopped onion,pre heat the oven and bake 200°,chicken breast will be soft and tender when it bakes!.
  3. Plate, garnish and serve baked chicken breast hot! Enjoy.

Then use in salads, main dishes or meal prep for the week. Easy, tasty and healthy basic chicken breast recipe that will become your. This Baked Chicken Breast recipe couldn't get any easier! Chicken breasts - look for chicken breasts as close to the same size as possible so they bake evenly. Chicken breasts are often baked and served as an entrée.


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