How to Prepare Delicious French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker

French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker. Great recipe for French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker. I got the idea for this recipe from the mentaiko and cream cheese filling that another user, "nonmam", made. Generally, mentaiko bread is made with spreading mentaiko on the bread, but I thought her recipe would be good for the.

French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker A couple of years ago I bought a bread machine for the first time. My food processor is a Cuisinart so I thought I would go with a bread machine from them as well and I absolutely love it. The bread maker came with a recipe book. You can cook French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker using 9 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker

  1. You need 1 of ●Mentaiko (salt-cured spicy pollack or cod roe).
  2. It's 50 grams of ●Cream cheese.
  3. It's 1 tsp of ●Lemon juice (optional).
  4. You need 100 grams of each Bread (strong) flour, and Pastry flour.
  5. You need 10 grams of Sugar.
  6. Prepare 4 grams of Salt.
  7. You need 20 grams of Butter.
  8. Prepare 2 1/2 grams of Instant dry yeast.
  9. Prepare 120 grams of Water (Use cold water in summer time, 35C water in winter time).

The French bread is the first bread I learned how to make in the bread maker using the recipe that was in that cookbook. Place ingredients in bread machine according to manufacturers directions. When dough cycle is complete, remove dough with floured hands and cut in half on floured surface. French Bread consists of flour, salt, water, and yeast.

French Bread with Mentaiko using a Bread Maker instructions

  1. Microwave cream cheese for 10 second until soft. Mix with lemon juice and mentaiko (remove the skin around the mentaiko in advance), and chill in the fridge to harden..
  2. Put the bread ingredients into the bread pan. Select dough-only setting that will finish after the 1st rising. When you knead by hand, also that's fine to knead butter at the same time..
  3. Deflate and divide the dough into 6 pieces. Cover with a moist tea towel and rest for 15 minutes. After that, flatten the dough and wrap the mentaiko filling securely..
  4. When the dough has doubled in volume, the 2nd rising is done. Spray water on the dough, hover a fork over the top, and sprinkle with flour to make the designs..
  5. Bake in the preheated oven at 390°F/200°C to 430°F/220°C for 18 minutes. My oven is an old electric oven, so please adjust the temperature..
  6. Cutting into the dough to let moisture escape from the filling might be a nice touch. There is a space on top of the filling because of the moisture, but no leaking..

Unlike Italian bread, it does not have any oil or butter and is chewy. They work great for grilled sandwiches or go well with pasta and soups. Grilled cheese sandwiches using French bread are my kids' favorite and a regular menu item. Find recipes, bread maker tips, and ideas about how to use loafs as gifts, and menu ideas for your loaf for two. Overview of the benefit of making your own bread at home with a bread machine.


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