How to Cook Perfect πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯—

πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯—.

πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯— You can cook πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯— using 12 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯—

  1. You need 70 g of sushi rice.
  2. It's 140 ml of water.
  3. You need Half of tbsp sugar.
  4. Prepare 20 ml of rice vinegar.
  5. It's of Fresh herbs (chives, basil, mint, spring onion).
  6. You need of Baby beetroot.
  7. You need of Carrot.
  8. Prepare of Avocado.
  9. Prepare of Red cabbage.
  10. It's of Sesame seeds.
  11. Prepare of Boiled egg.
  12. You need of Salmon.

πŸ₯— Hawaiian Poke Bowl πŸ₯— instructions

  1. Wash your rice thoroughly..
  2. Add your water and rice to a pan with a lid..
  3. Bring to the boil without the lid..
  4. When it is boiling, put the lid on and turn the heat down low to bring the rice to a simmer. Do not remove the lid to check on the rice!.
  5. Cook for 20 minutes..
  6. Take the rice from the heat and let it cool down without taking the lid off..
  7. In a separate small pan, add your rice vinegar and sugar and add a pinch of salt..
  8. When this has all dissolved, let this cool down..
  9. Pour the vinegar mix onto your rice when both have cooled down and mix carefully, being careful not to crush the rice!.
  10. Cut your salmon fillet into chunks. I personally prefer to steam my salmon, but you can also oven bake, or fry; whatever is your preference! I also like to add a dash of teriyaki sauce to my salmon - delicious!.
  11. Add the Rice to the bottom of the bowl. Don't forget at some point, to boil your egg and when it's cooled down, slice in half!.
  12. Arrange your other ingredients how you would like. Make it look beautiful!.
  13. Add a sprinkle of sesame seeds on top of your dish, or dried fried shallots..


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