How to Make Delicious Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions

Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions. These potato wedges full on loaded with ketchup, mayonnaise, and main ingredient guacamole and garnish Guacamole is avocado based dip which includes raw onion, tomato, cucumber and lemon juice. Even you can use homemade potato wedges or French fries. Place the wedges in bowl and.

Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions The recipe is low-fat, vegan, gluten free & paleo-friendly! However, I love eating potato wedges with guacamole! It's creamy, rich, and so delicious! You can cook Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions using 4 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions

  1. You need 4 of potato.
  2. Prepare 3 of onions.
  3. It's 1 of avocado.
  4. Prepare 1 of carrot.

I have included the recipe for the best guacamole. These potato wedges are even better than french fries. The potato wedges are mixed with lots of spices and herbs. The potato wedges work in perfect harmony if they are consumed after dipping into mayonnaise.

Potato wedges + guacamole+ carrots+ fried onions instructions

  1. Peel and chop your potatoes then boil them in water dont let it Cook completely..
  2. Also grate some carrots and set aside.Also cut the onions and soak them in water and salt..
  3. In a bowl add your avacado and mash.You can add blackpepper..
  4. When pitatoes are ready shallow fry them.If you have an oven bake them..
  5. Also fry your onions.

POTATO WEDGES - Two ways - Fried & Baked - With & without Oven. Potato wedges are wedges of potatoes, often large and unpeeled, that are either baked or fried. They are sold at diners and fast food restaurants. Made with avocados, guacamole makes a perfect dip for a variety of things. Choose ingredients like lemon, cilantro, onions, tomatoes or Extra lemon in the dip will bring out the flavor of raw veggies like zucchini sticks, broccoli and carrots.


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