Recipe: Tasty Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa

Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa.

Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa You can cook Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa using 15 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa

  1. Prepare of For stuffing:.
  2. You need of For French Fries:(to make in Airfryer).
  3. Prepare 2 of big potatoes,peel and cut into 1/4 cm long strips.
  4. Prepare 1 tbsp of oil.
  5. It's 1 tsp of salt.
  6. You need of Other ingredients:.
  7. You need 1/2 cup of schezwan sauce.
  8. It's 4 cubes of cheese.
  9. Prepare of For outer covering/ dosa.
  10. It's 4 cups of dosa batter.
  11. Prepare to taste of Salt.
  12. It's as needed of Butter as required for roasting.
  13. It's of To serve:.
  14. It's as needed of Coconut chutney (for idli-dosa).
  15. It's As needed of Sambhar.

Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa instructions

  1. Soak cut potato strips in salt water for 10 mins..
  2. Pat dry them on kitchen towel. Preheat Airfryer at 180 for 5 mins. Placed soaked & pat dried potato strips in mixing bowl, pour1 tbsp oil,coat them with hand. Place them in Airfryer, bake for 15-20 mins in between tossing them...till cripsy and golden brown in colour..
  3. Heat non - stick dosa tawa..apply/ smear oil all over the tawa.wipe with paper napkin..
  4. Pour 1 cup of dosa batter,make round dosa. On it sprinkle melted butter,as it get little dry spread schezwan sauce all over, grate one cheese cube..
  5. Cut into three parts,roll them..
  6. Place them standing. In 2-3 prepared Airfried French shown..
  7. Serve/Relish Hot Stuffed French Fries Schezwan Cheese Dosa with Coconut chutney and Sambhar..


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