Recipe: Perfect Baked Burgers

Baked Burgers. Crumble beef over mixture and mix well. When grilling is out of the question, and you don't want to stand over the cooktop, this recipe for oven-baked burgers is an ideal choice. And don't worry about dried out patties—a little Worcestershire sauce, steak sauce, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper helps keep the burgers juicy while kicking up the flavor quotient.

Baked Burgers Nutritional Information My Husband's Favorite Baked Burgers. Home » Recipes » Easy Hamburgers in the Oven. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. You can cook Baked Burgers using 6 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Baked Burgers

  1. It's 2 ... half of Burger buns . [ Cut in.
  2. Prepare 1 cup of potatoes Boiled and mashed . ....
  3. It's to taste of Salt paprika pepper . , and.
  4. You need 1/2 cup of cheese Grated . ....
  5. Prepare of Butter . [ Room temp.
  6. You need of Sauce peppers sauce . of your choice - I used the roasted.

This baked hamburgers recipe is hearty and moist. The onion gives it a special flavor, and the sweet-flavored sauce further enhances the taste. I serve these as an entree with accompanying vegetables or on a bun as a sandwich. —Marg Bisgrove, Widewater, Alberta Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Forward Influence for Avocados from Mexico, RITAS, and TABASCO® Brand. The opinions and text are all mine.

Baked Burgers step by step

  1. Pre heat oven to 200C..
  2. Mix the spices on the boiled potato..
  3. Spread some butter on the base portion of the burger..
  4. Now put some of the potato mix on this side..
  5. Cover it with cheese. -You may add tomatoes to this too..
  6. To the cover of the burger, spread the roasted peppers sauce..
  7. Place the buns in the oven for 12 min or until the cheese has melted..
  8. Serve warm.

Don't worry about grilling this winter. Baked hamburgers are the easiest way to make burgers. No need to form the patties or to keep an eye on them - let the oven do all the work for you! Ground beef is so convenient, versatile and affordable. I almost always have a package or two of vacuum-sealed ground beef in the fridge (or in the freezer), so I use it quite often when cooking.


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