Easiest Way to Make Perfect Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters )

Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters ). COD Fish fritters by spanish cooking. How to make Bacalaitos or Codfish Fritters. Bacalaítos are salt cod pancake-like fritters from Puerto Rico.

Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters ) All over the island you'll find these cod fritters sold from small roadside kiosks, and any street fair there will usually feature several stands of crispy Bacalaítos. Remove cooked fish from liquid, shred and set aside to cool. Chill overnight, it makes for a less salty fish. You can cook Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters ) using 8 ingredients and 14 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters )

  1. You need 1 packages of boneless cod fish.
  2. Prepare 3 cup of all purpose flour.
  3. It's 1 of adobo (goya).
  4. It's 1 envelope of sazon (goya).
  5. You need 1 tbsp of sofrito (use my sofrito recipe).
  6. You need 1 of black pepper.
  7. Prepare 1 tbsp of baking powder.
  8. It's 1 of corn oil.

These are served all over Miami and they are so good! Originally on the Goya Foods web site. "Bacalaitos are salt cod pancake like codfish fritters from Puerto Rico". If you're Puerto Rican or had the pleasure of visiting the Island or even a community with a deep Puerto Rican heritage, you've most likely have been served bacalaitos Goya at some point. Bacalaitos (Codfish Fritters) a delicious side dish that can substitute meat or fish in your Dominican meal.

Bacalaitos ( cod fish fritters ) step by step

  1. put cod fish in a pot filled with water and boil for 20 minutes.
  2. drain water from pot and refill again with water put to boil for another 20 minutes.
  3. this time drain water into a bowl for later use.
  4. let cod fish cool to room temp.
  5. in a mixing bowl add your flour and baking powder.
  6. break up cod fish up cod fish with your fingers as much as u can and mix into your dry ingredients.
  7. add your sofrito and mix with your hands.
  8. start to add the broth from your mixture (some people tend to use a lot of that broth water I use some and just add regular water you don't want those fritters to be salty).
  9. mix until you get a nice pancake batter consistency.
  10. now u add sazon adobo and black pepper to taste and mix.
  11. in a frying pan heat up your corn oil to about 375° you want it nice and hot.
  12. start to pour it batter into the frying pan fry till each side is a golden color flipping over only once.
  13. put fritters on a paper towel or on a rack so oil can drain off and your fritters remain crispy.
  14. enjoy.

Our recipe and video make them Mixing: Crumble the cod very finely and discard cartilage, bones, and skin. Taste to see how much salt is left. In a deep container mix the cod, milk, starch. Codfish fritters or Bacalaitos can be found in various versions throughout the islands and are called stamp-and-go in Jamaica, saltfish accra in Trinidad, accras in Martinique and fish cakes in Barbados. They are a mixture of flour, codfish and spices deep fried as either flat cakes or round balls.


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