Recipe: Appetizing Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes

Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes. Top the potatoes with the fish, drizzle with the remaining oil or butter and sprinkle with some more salt and pepper. Review Body: Potatoes were slighly less done than I would have liked; my partner likes potatoes really soft, but other than that it was lovely xx. Put the potatoes in a roasting pan or on a baking sheet.

Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes Roasted Cod With Tahini Sauce And Fried Potatoes Homemade baked cod with wonderful tahini sauce and flavorful fried potatoes. How to Make Roasted Cod with Garlic Butter. How to Make Pesto Smashed Potatoes. You can cook Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes using 8 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes

  1. It's 2 of salt cod fillets.
  2. Prepare 2 of Green peppers.
  3. You need 8-10 of small potatoes.
  4. You need to taste of Salt.
  5. You need as needed of Milk.
  6. It's of Ground black pepper.
  7. Prepare of Olive oil.
  8. Prepare 4 of garlic cloves, thinly sliced.

I made small pan of roasted potatoes; made fish to the recipe, except used parmesan instead of prosciuto and topped the potatoes at the end, pouring the pan. Potatoes: In a large pot, bring potatoes, with enough cold water to cover, to a boil. Cod: Meanwhile, combine panko, butter Top each with a piece of cod. Serve with roasted carrots, if desired.

Roasted Cod with Smashed Potatoes step by step

  1. To remove the salt from the salted cod. Place in cold water with the skin up for 24 hours. Changing the water every couple of hours..
  2. Pat dry the cod with kitchen roll to remove any excess water..
  3. In a bowl soak the cod in milk and a pinch of black pepper. Refrigerate for a few hours..
  4. Discard the milk and again pat dry the cod with kitchen roll..
  5. Boil the potatoes whole with skin on in salted water until soft. Then drain well..
  6. Using the back of a spoon or your fists squash the potatoes until they break..
  7. Put the potatoes in an oven tray with a good drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Bake until crispy. My potatoes took about 50 minutes or so..
  8. Put the peppers whole on a tray and roast at the same time as the potatoes. Roast until the outside skin is charred. Allow to cool or run under cold water and then peel the skin and slice the peppers.
  9. Grill the cod on both sides for 4-5 minutes either on a grill pan or on the bbq..
  10. Lastly in a small frying heat a good amount of olive oil and then gently fry the garlic for less than a minute..
  11. Plate up the cod, potatoes and roasted peppers then drizzle with the olive oil and garlic..

This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto. Roasting the fish gives the quartered potatoes a chance to cook at the same time. The potatoes are boiled along with eggs (another common companion) before slicing and layering along with sliced onions in the serving. Cod is by far the most popular fish in Portuguese cooking, where it is most often paired with potatoes in all manner of preparations, including this traditional one. Add the potatoes to the pot of boiling water.


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