Recipe: Delicious Grilled Drum Stick

Grilled Drum Stick. Pat drumsticks dry with paper towels; season all over with salt and pepper. Lift the drumsticks off the grill gently to ensure that the skin is not sticking to the grill grates. Keep the lid closed as much as possible.

Grilled Drum Stick These Grilled Chicken Drumsticks are delicious, quick to make, and are total crowd-pleasers. Chicken drumsticks are awesome grilled on the BBQ hot and fast using two-zone grilling. Smaller drumsticks will obviously cook in less time than larger drumsticks so the time below can change based on the size of your drumstick and the accuracy of your grill. You can cook Grilled Drum Stick using 8 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Grilled Drum Stick

  1. You need 2 kg of chicken drumstick.
  2. You need 15 of fresh pepper.
  3. You need to taste of salt.
  4. You need 2 of bulb onion.
  5. It's 2 tbsp of garlic and ginger paste.
  6. You need 1 tsp of oregano.
  7. It's 1 tsp of basil.
  8. Prepare 4 of knorr cube.

Use grilling tongs to move the drumsticks to the side of the grill that doesn't have charcoal. Serve the drumsticks after they've cooled for a few minutes. Chicken drumsticks, like all chicken, should generally be grilled over medium heat on the grill. Flip chicken, and brush with sauce.

Grilled Drum Stick step by step

  1. Wash chicken and drain, blend pepper, onion, ginger and garlic paste; pour paste into the chicken, add oregano and basil and mix together marinate it overnight if you wish to.
  2. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 220°. Place the chicken in a large bowl to drain out excess water..
  3. Line a baking pan with foil or you can use the wire rack. Arrange chicken in a single layer..
  4. Bake chicken until cooked through and skin is crispy, about 40-45 minutes-rotate wings half way through-roughly 20 minutes..
  5. Remove and serve with your favorite chicken sauce or beside a plate of jollof rice.

When grilled as part of a whole chicken, drumsticks taste just fine. But with the right treatment, they can be the solo stars of your cookout. Chicken legs are always a nice treat here on the grill. It is really the only way I cook them and then when grilling season is over we had our fill for a while haha! We all like different BBQ sauce so we use a little bit of goya on them and then everybody dips them into sauce on their plates.


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