Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Baked Potato wedges

Baked Potato wedges.

Baked Potato wedges You can cook Baked Potato wedges using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Baked Potato wedges

  1. You need 3-4 of medium sized potatoes.
  2. You need to taste of Salt.
  3. You need 2-3 tspn of black pepper powder.
  4. It's 2-3 tbsp of olive oil for drizzle.

Baked Potato wedges step by step

  1. Peel & chop potatoes into cubes. Grease ovenproof with olive oil & spread out the potatoes..
  2. Sprinkle salt & black pepper powder & bake for 9-10 minutes in. Pre-heated oven on 180c until golden brown.
  3. Serve hot with baked meatballs.


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