Recipe: Delicious Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake

Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake. Get The Best Of Spain Delivered To Your Home. Superior Quality & Fast Delivery Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake Had leftover rice and I absolutely HATE wasting food so I cooked up some chorizo and threw it together! Do not cook all the way through.

Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake Cook Chorizo and while doing so cook Rice according to directions. Take a rocks glass, pour a healthy shot of tequila and add Zing Zang. These Spanish Chorizo and Feta Cheese Rice Cakes are also perfect to take out to the beach, to a picnic, as part of a meal or as an #appetizer in any #partymenu, because they are as good hot as cold, they are really versatile. You can cook Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake using 4 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake

  1. You need 1 of leftover spanish rice or you can make it fresh. (I used Chefdoogle`s recipe for spanish rice.).
  2. You need 1 of chorizo sausage.
  3. It's 1 of sharp cheddar.
  4. You need 1 of mozerella.

If you would like to see more video recipes like this one, then please subscribe to my Cooking Channel by clicking HERE. Place the raw rice on the bottom of the casserole in a uniform layer. Place the slices of chorizo on top, then carrot, tomato, pepper, onion, celery, olives, peas and cilantro (in the order listed). Pour the vegetable stock into a pot and mix with the paprika.

Cheesy chorizo Spanish rice bake instructions

  1. Remove casing from the sausage and cook it up in a frying.pan according to package directions..
  2. Mix the sausage with your rice and and place in a casserole dish..
  3. Next layer on the cheeses. Amount depends on your liking. When done zap in the microwave or heat in oven just until cheese melts. enjoy!!!!.

Add the rice, soup, cheese, chili powder, salt and pepper. In a large skillet over medium heat, add the butter, onion and garlic. Spanish Rice Bake Haiku: "Yawn this was boring. I would add alot of stuff. If I made again." I should've known with all the thumbs-up reviews saying "I added 'x' seasoning" or "I included 'y' spice" that maybe I should've done so too.


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