Easiest Way to Make Yummy Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn)

Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn). Baked rice (ross il forn) is one dish we had often when I was growing up and I think one of the Maltese dishes we cooked most. I don't know where this dish originates from but whoever had the idea to bake rice in a tomato and meat sauce was on to a winner. We just used beef mince this time but you can use pork mince or a combination of the two.

Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn) The traditional Maltese recipe calls for a number of key ingredients. These include a base of rice, tomato sauce, and ground beef. How to Make Ross il-Forn (Baked Rice) Step-by-Step. You can cook Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn) using 17 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn)

  1. Prepare 400 ml of milk.
  2. You need 500 grams of rice.
  3. Prepare 2 of medium onions.
  4. Prepare 3 cans of tomato pulp.
  5. It's 1 of large tomato sauce.
  6. It's 4 of eggs.
  7. You need 3 of table spoon kunserva (tomatoe paste).
  8. It's 500 grams of Beef mince.
  9. You need 200 grams of back bacon.
  10. You need 100 grams of grated kefalotyri cheese.
  11. You need 100 grams of grated parmesan.
  12. Prepare 1 of oxo beef cube.
  13. Prepare 1 of tea spoon mild curry.
  14. It's 1/2 of tea spoon hot curry.
  15. Prepare 1 of tea spoon oregano.
  16. You need 1 of TABLE spoon basil.
  17. You need 5 of or more table spoons sugar.

Saute onions in oil in a pan. Add the ground pork and continue cooking until the meat turns brown. Add The tomatoes. tomato paste, and water. Season with Salt and Pepper and curry powder.

Loys Baked Rice (ross il-forn) instructions

  1. Preparing the sauce. Fry the fine chopped onions in butter and add some white wine..
  2. While the onion is cooking grate a medium carrot and put in pan with the onion..
  3. After the onion is ready add the fine chopped bacon and after 5min put the minced beef in too..
  4. Start adding the herbs and spices and stir everything in the pan and cover.Pepper and salt to taste.Leave it for 10 min on medium heat..
  5. Pour in the tomato sauce and pulp and start stirring. After 10 min add sugar and leave it for another 7min and turn it off..
  6. Fill some warm water and wash the rice in it, this will remove excess starch..
  7. Put the sauce in a large pot or a large container and add 1 mug and a half of uncooked rice. This is roughly 500 grams..
  8. Add 4 eggs, 100 grams of grated kefalotyri cheese and stir everything together..
  9. In a big dish pour everything thats in the pan and add milk until there is half inch left from the top of the dish.Stir everything in the dish..
  10. Put in oven and leave it for approximately 45min..
  11. Sprinkle with grated parmesan and put it back in the oven for approx 15min. It should look brownish..
  12. Take it out and leave it to rest for 10-15 min before plating..

Mix well and let simmer at a low temperature for an hour.. Ross il-forn (Baked Rice, Ross il forn) Baked rice is a traditional Maltese casserole prepared with a combination of rice and a flavorful sauce that consists of minced meat, tomato sauce, and various spices. Other additions commonly include cheese (which can be incorporated into the dish or sprinkled on top), eggs, vegetables, and occasionally. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help Hi! I was wondering if someone of you have the maltese recipe of "Baked rice" or "Ross fil-forn".


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