Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Spanish cod fritters

Spanish cod fritters. Adapted from Michael Pancheri of Allium. Your (and now my!) Spanish Salt Cod Fritters. These were my favorite part of an elaborate Seven Fishes Christmas Eve dinner.

Spanish cod fritters You can find a lot of dried fish recipes in warm countries. The main reason is to preserve the fish this way. Try our smoked cod fritters recipe, Spanish tapas classic made easy. You can cook Spanish cod fritters using 8 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Spanish cod fritters

  1. You need 300 grams of salt-cured cod (in small pieces if possible).
  2. You need 220 grams of all-purpose flour.
  3. Prepare 2 of eggs.
  4. You need 1 cup of milk.
  5. You need 16 grams of baking powder.
  6. It's 5 of garlic cloves.
  7. Prepare 1 of parsley.
  8. It's 1 of oil for frying.

Bite-sized cod and potato fishcakes bound together with egg and flour, fried until crisp. This tapas favourite is best served freshly fried, but it's still delicious rewarmed. Fry one test fritter and taste for salt, since the amount left after soaking the fish. These delicious Spanish cod fritters are so easy to make with this step by step video recipe.

Spanish cod fritters step by step

  1. Put the cod in water to de-salt it. Change the water before night.
  2. Use a kitchen towel to dry the cid. Extend the towel, put the cod in it +if possible, the cutsshoukd not touch each other) and roll the the towel all you can..
  3. Mix the flour, the milk, the baking powder and the egg yolkds until you have a slightly runny batter..
  4. Mince the garlic and parsely and add to the batter and mix..
  5. Mince the cod, and add too. Mix..
  6. Bring the egg whites to soft peaks and carefully add in the batter. Use a spatula too stir..
  7. Heat oil in a pan. Once hot yiu can start frying. I use a teaspon to messue the batter per each fritter..

If you make Spanish Cod Fritters Recipe please tag my name @munchkintimeblog on Instagram. Bacalao - salt cod - is one of the great Spanish delights, adding flavor to bland ingredients such as potatoes. Try this fast version of the Spanish cod fritters recipe. Make bite-sized salt cod fritters with a delectable Spanish allioli for the perfect finger food. Serve with lemon wedges and garlic mayo for dipping.


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