Recipe: Yummy Home made Mandazis

Home made Mandazis. I made the Mandazis on this recipe. I happened to have all the ingredients. Didn't have yeast though.used baking powder.

Home made Mandazis These mandazis with lemon recipe do not use eggs nor milk nor butter so it is most definitely vegetarian, vegan, lactose friendly. Home-made Mandazi Recipe This is one recipe a lot of people have requested and I have tried to make it as simple as possible and I hope it will work for you. See recipes for Pearl Millet Mandazi, Mandazi too. You can cook Home made Mandazis using 7 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Home made Mandazis

  1. Prepare 3 cups of all purpose floor.
  2. Prepare 1 of table spoon of baking powder.
  3. It's 4 of and a half table spoons of sugar.
  4. You need 2 of Eggs.
  5. Prepare 4 of table spoons of butter.
  6. You need 1 cup of milk/water.
  7. You need 350 ml of vegetable cooking oil.

How to Make Mandazi - an African "Donut": Mandazi is one of the popular African dishes that you will find in the greater lakes of coastal regions of East Africa inhabited by the Swahili community. It is a dish that can be served as a breakfast with tea, appetizer before lunch, or even a sof… Mandazis: A Kenyan Recipe. In Kenya one special treat to eat is called, Mandazis. The best way for us Americans to wrap our heads around it is to picture a cross between a funnel cake and a donut.

Home made Mandazis instructions

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients together(floor,sugar,baking powder).
  2. Melt the butter and beat the eggs togerher with the melted butter.
  3. Make a whole at the center of the then add the melted butter with eggs and start mixing well with floor.
  4. Knead the mixture for a while till it leaves a soft dough.
  5. Cover the soft dough with a cloth and let it rezt for 15-30 minutes.. this is for the purpose of allowing the dough to settle.
  6. After allowing it to settle, cut into medium pieces.. take one piece at a time and use a rolling pin to roll out.
  7. Do not roll too much so as to attain "meaty" mandazis.. cut the rolled out dough to desired shape.
  8. Prepare hot oil and start dipping the cut pieces into the hot oil then turn once the mandazi has raised.. do this until you achieve a golden bron colour.
  9. Finish by draining the mandazis with oil then serve.. you can preferably serve with tea.

Mandazis are a special sweet to our kids in Kenya that is usually only had on special occasions or if they have any extra pocket money. Welcome to Pishi, Africa's premier website for all food and cooking content. At Pishi, we believe that a strong nation is a healthy nation. That is why we put together scrumptious recipes and kitchen hacks from various cultures across Kenya and Africa. Anonymous said: The recipe resulted to very nice mandazis. maggie kalewa said: i love the way they are cooked i will try to make it because cooking is my career .


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